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The Well Project logo


I am new to this but have been living with B12 for a little over four years now and it's been a very hard road to recovery. I say B12 instead of HIV because we have not had this talk with our children yet and it just feels better and is my way of coping when ppl are with me and I have to

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Women are drastically underrepresented in HIV research, including clinical trials and surveys. This means that many decisions about women's HIV care, treatment, and needs are based on research studies in men. Women's needs and bodies are different, consequently it is important for women to

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The Well Project logo

It a suport group of h.i.v.positive women who want to live positively.

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A place where we can share our experiences and effects of being a long term survivor.

only those that lived in those times Pre-HAART can understand what we have been through! We were the Guinea pigs for the medication that we have now. we come from an era where we had nothing but each other. Many

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The Well Project logo

We heal others through our struggles, we put out kindness and love to the universe.

Ask and you sha'll recieve.

There is abundance of support out there. We are here to break the stigma. Love is kind, love is patient, love is light.

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The Well Project logo

This goup EAG (East Africa Group), envisions empowered, holistically transformed and peaceful communities of people living with HIV growing in unity and diversity towards self-reliance and fulfill their God-given potential.  

EAG is committed to inspire, empower and transform communities to move

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