Los Angeles
United States

Samantha Montemayor is a Sexual Health Counselor currently serving the community of New York City as the Oasis Case Manager of the Latino Commission on AIDS. Most recently she was a member of the "Activate and Elevate Fellowship" Workgroup of the Human Rights Campaign and has also been in the "Elevate" program of NMAC. She has been a community activist since 2017 and was the House Manager for Casa Anandrea, the only trans shelter in the state of Texas and the Board Secretary of GENTex, a trans-led organization based in the Rio Grande Valley in South Texas.

Why Samantha wants to be part of A Girl Like Me: I want to be part of A Girl Like Me because I am a Proud Trans Latina Woman of Color who has been living with HIV since June 28, 2010. We need to end the stigma on HIV and educate our community about the difference between HIV and AIDS.

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