HIV: The Basics

 Pastillero semanal con pastillas dentro de algunas y despertador.

Learn about the importance of adherence, barriers to it, and tips to help you take your HIV drugs as directed, including finding support.

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Several capsules, one with question marks spilling from it.

Learn the benefits of starting HIV treatment sooner, and steps to prepare – find a provider, learn HIV basics, and have a positive attitude.

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Hands of various skin tones linking pinky to thumb in a row.

Did you just test positive for HIV? Look here for help on next steps, normal feelings, and finding support.

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Blurry picture of a small circle of women holding raised hands.

Race and gender intersect with many factors in the lives of women with HIV. Learn about the varied impacts on women in different racial groups.

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Judicial gavel and red ribbon on a white background.

No one should be punished for having a health condition. Learn more about laws that treat HIV as a crime, and what they mean for women.

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Page torn out of notebook with handwritten note that reads "Get tested for HIV!".

Learn more about how HIV interacts with the human body, what counts as HIV exposure, and how HIV testing is the only way to know if you have acquired HIV.

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A blue neon sign that reads "Free HIV testing".

Learn all about HIV testing: why, when, and where to get tested; types of tests – including at-home tests – and getting your results.

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Get the basics on HIV transmission: how HIV is and is not spread, common types of transmission, and how to avoid acquiring HIV.

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Learn the most common myths – and realities – about HIV: treatment, tests, transmission, and more.

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Close up of woman from bottom of nose to top of chest, her tongue licking her upper lip.

Oral sex can be safe and fun! Get basic facts about the chances of getting HIV from oral sex, and tips for safer oral sex.

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