Projects with Our Partners

Engagement with organizations whose missions complement ours has been a key aspect of The Well Project's work for many years. Building respectful, ethical relationships with partner organizations often leads to co-creating powerful projects to benefit our communities and enhance our programming. Please read on for some highlights of our collaborations with partners in recent years.


Healing Hope  (2022-2024)


Illustration of a woman quilting a blanket.

As part of a collaboration with our longtime partner organization Christie's Place, The Well Project shared stories in English and Spanish from their book Healing Hope: A woven tapestry of strength and solace as blog entries on our A Girl Like Me platform under the blog name "Healing Hope."


The Well Project on the Road! Spring 2024 Conference Highlights

The Well Project had a brisk presence at conferences around the US in spring 2024, which included opportunities to present on our program areas, work closely with multiple organizational partners, and network with other allies and friends.

Providing for Women's Well-Being: A Sexual Health Conversation Guide for Clinicians

Providers can normalize HIV and integrate prevention into efforts to support women's overall health. Browse this resource, developed in partnership with NASTAD, for talking points and shareable infographics to help inspire and guide these crucial conversations.

Palm Springs Conference Centers Women Aging with HIV and Educates Providers

Helmed by The Well Project's Bridgette Picou, LVN, ACLPN, and developed in collaboration with the HIV+ Aging Research Project-Palm Springs, The SHE is Women's Conference created a safe space for women living with HIV of all genders, providers, and allies to build community, learn skills, and have fun.

The Well Project's Ongoing Fight for Women's Health Rights and Inclusion in HIV Research

Executive director Krista Martel joined host Charles Sanchez on a 2024 episode of TheBody's Instagram Live series, "At Home With," to talk about what The Well Project is up to.


Black Women Living with and Vulnerable to HIV in the US

Co-presented with NASTAD, this episode of Leadership Exchange LIVE featured a dynamic conversation with Latesha Elopre, MD, MSPH (University of Alabama at Birmingham) to uplift the unique care needs and priorities and insights of Black women living with and vulnerable to HIV, with an emphasis on the US South.

The Well Project at the 2023 Motown Experience: Birth & Breastfeeding Conference

"This conference was like a breath of fresh air and very much needed," The Well Project's Ciarra "Ci Ci" Covin reported from the Black Mothers' Breastfeeding Association's Detroit convening. "It gave me confidence to accept my role as an advocate for Black maternal and infant health, bridged a gap to Black birthing and breastfeeding community that I had previously counted myself out of, and sparked lightbulbs of researchers and providers as they return to their work."

Infant Feeding: How Updated Guidelines Help Parents Living with HIV

The Well Project's editorial director Olivia G. Ford writes for Positively Aware about five key entry points to the new HIV and infant feeding guidelines.

The HIV and Infant Feeding Guidelines at Six Months: Perspectives from National Leaders

In 2023, The Well Project and the National Clinician Consultation Center's Perinatal HIV Hotline co-hosted the Annual Perinatal HIV Roundtable for the second year in a row. Esteemed panelists, in conversation with one another, discussed how their organizations planned to adjust to, address, and implement the new HIV and infant feeding guidance.

Positive Pleasure: The Well Project Signs On to The Pleasure Principles, Welcomes The Pleasure Project as a Partner

The Well Project has been thrilled to explore collaboration with The Pleasure Project since 2023, as we continue to incorporate a pleasure lens into all that we do. Onward toward pleasure for all!

Birth and Postpartum Support and HIV / El apoyo al parto y al posparto y el VIH

An illuminating conversation with colleagues from The Afiya Center about the benefits of doula support for Black women and other birthing parents living with HIV. / Una conversación esclarecedora con colegas del Afiya Center sobre los beneficios del apoyo de doula para las mujeres negras y otros padres que dan a luz que viven con el VIH.

It's Time to Embrace Breastfeeding/Chestfeeding for US People With HIV

On a 2023 episode of The Future of HIV Care, a monthly podcast from TheBodyPro, The Well Project's Ciarra "Ci Ci" Covin joined physician and frequent collaborator Lealah Pollock, MD, to explain how recent changes to US perinatal HIV guidelines reveal an important shift in how we fundamentally approach the clinician-patient relationship with pregnant and infant-feeding people who are living with HIV.

Listening to Women: Supporting Informed Decision-Making on Infant Feeding and HIV

The Well Project’s Ciarra “Ci Ci” Covin was presenting author for this poster at the International Workshop on HIV & Women 2023 in Seattle, Washington. This collaborative poster presented data from The Well Project’s 2021 survey of US women living with HIV responding to questions about infant feeding, alongside qualitative results from Nourish-UK’s similarly sized sample of women living with HIV in the UK.


Education for Primary Care Providers on HIV and Reproductive Health 


Cell phone with text: "Contraceptive Pearls: Preconception Counseling for People Living with HIV."

The Well Project was proud to collaborate with partner organization Reproductive Health Access Project (RHAP) on the following three HIV-specific articles for their "Contraceptive Pearls" series. RHAP – a leader in expanding access to abortion, contraception, and early pregnancy loss care – delivers these brief, evidence-based monthly "Pearls" to thousands of frontline healthcare providers to inform their practice.


Women Living, Learning, and Working with HIV / Mujeres viviendo, aprendiendo, y trabajando con VIH



Every person living with HIV has the right to the tools and support they need to make well-informed decisions about education, employment, and other economic opportunities. In partnership with the National Working Positive Coalition, The Well Project presented this session featuring a panel of women living with HIV highlighting their experiences related to work and education – including challenges they faced, strategies they used, and unmet needs they revealed. READ MORE >


Updates in Breast/Chestfeeding: Parent Perspectives and Evolving Practice



Copresented by The Well Project and the National Perinatal HIV Hotline, this annual roundtable geared for providers welcomed anyone with an interest in this topic. This dynamic event featured medical and legal professionals engaged with supporting parents living with HIV in their infant-feeding journeys, in paired conversation with Black women advocates living with HIV who have navigated those journeys. READ MORE >


Breast/Chestfeeding and HIV in the US: A Listening Session with National Advocates

Hosted by The Well Project, this webinar brought together leading advocates from US-based organizations who are committed to ensuring that parents living with HIV are able to make the best infant-feeding decisions for themselves and their babies, including HIVE, International Community of Women Living with HIV - North America (ICW-NA), Prevention Access Campaign, The Afiya Center, The Center for HIV Law & Policy, and Transgender Strategy CenterREAD MORE >


Breastfeeding and HIV in the U=U Era Advancing Conversation and Community Awareness

This webinar, in partnership with Sero Project, reprised the extraordinarily popular, well-attended session of the same name from June 2021’s virtual HIV is Not a Crime (HINAC) National Training Academy. Participants discussed how current breast/chestfeeding guidelines, and concerns around state intervention, affect the lives and decisions of women and other birthing parents living with HIV. READ MORE >


Expert Consensus Statement on Breastfeeding and HIV in the United States and Canada

This document – the result of a virtual gathering of more than 20 stakeholders, many of them from partner organizations of The Well Project – affirms the agency of women and parents living with HIV and the urgency of including them at all levels in HIV research, education, and policy. READ >


Members of The Well Project community at USCHA 2022.

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