Policy in various forms structures and determines our lives. Working to effect changes in policy – and ensuring that women living with HIV are involved in crafting those changes – is among The Well Project's strategies to support well-being and build power in our communities.
The Well Project Applauds Updates to Perinatal HIV Clinical Guidelines around Breast/Chestfeeding for Women and Other Birthing Parents Living with HIV (January 2023)

As a result of years of advocacy by women living with HIV, providers, and others – including The Well Project – sweeping updates to the US Perinatal HIV Clinical Guidelines on January 31, 2023, recommend shared decision-making and increased support from providers for parents' infant-feeding choices. READ MORE >
Expert Consensus Statement on Breastfeeding and HIV in the United States and Canada (December 2020)

This document – the result of a virtual gathering of more than 20 stakeholders, many of them from partner organizations of The Well Project – affirms the agency of women and parents living with HIV and the urgency of including them at all levels in HIV research, education, and policy. Co-signers assert the need for parents living with HIV to have access to the information, support, and tools necessary to make informed infant-feeding decisions. READ MORE >
Sign-On Letter About the Inclusion of Women in the Ending the HIV Epidemic: A Plan for America (EHE) (October 2019)

In response to inadequate inclusion of women across the gender spectrum in the federal Ending the HIV Epidemic plan, members of The Well Project’s Women’s Research Initiative on HIV/AIDS (WRI) wrote a letter to stakeholders in the administration expressing their concerns. The letter authors invited sign-ons and ultimately garnered more than 200 endorsements from individuals and organizations. Letter authors also requested and were granted a meeting with federal health officials. READ MORE >