To order free copies of The Well Project's "Get the Facts" pamphlets (see below), please carefully fill out the form at the bottom of this page (or access the form by clicking this link) and indicate the quantity you would like shipped to you. You can also opt in to be added to our newsletters and/or HIV and Infant Feeding listserv via this form. Please note, we are currently only making shipments in the United States.
At this time, we are offering 3 ordering options that include quantities of each of the following pamphlets:
- Get the Facts: Breast/Chestfeeding and HIV
- Get the Facts: Sexual Pleasure and HIV
- Get the Facts: Reproductive Health and HIV
- Get the Facts: Aging Positively with HIV
Option 1 will include 50 of each of the 4 pamphlets above in English (200 total)
Option 2 will include 50 of each of the 4 pamphlets above in Spanish (200 total)
Option 3 will include 50 of each of the 4 pamphlets above in English and Spanish (400 total)
Click to view "Get the Facts: Breast/Chestfeeding and HIV" or download a pdf
Visit our BEEEBAH (Building Equity, Ethics, and Education on Breastfeeding and HIV) webpage for additional resources!
Click to view "Get the Facts: Sexual Pleasure and HIV" or download a pdf
Click to view "Get the Facts: Reproductive Health and HIV" or download a pdf
Visit our SHE/HER/THEY (Sexual Health Education/HIV Empowerment Resources/Treating HIV Equally) webpage for additional resources!
Click to view "Get the Facts: Aging Positively with HIV" or download a pdf
Visit our Women Like Us: Aging Positively webpage for additional resources!