Long-Term Survivors & HIV Cure Research: Monthly Webinar Series

October 24; November 21

10:00am PT | 1:00pm ET

The Well Project is thrilled to co-sponsor this series of webinars discussing needs and concerns specific to people who have lived with HIV for many years around the research towards a cure for HIV. The series will be held on various Tuesdays from May to November 2023.

The next session, Participant Experiences in Research, will occur on October 24, 2023, at 10am PT / 1pm ET

Register in advance for the entire series or for individual sessions

Upcoming Sessions:

  • October 24: Participant Experiences in Research
  • November 21: Where Do We Go From Here?

Previous Sessions (available on YouTube):


After registering, you will receive a confirmation email containing information about joining each session.

Co-sponsored by the DARE, RID-HIV, and CRISPR for CURE Collaboratories, along with:


Event flyer.

  • AIDS Action Baltimore
  • AIDS Treatment Activists Coalition
  • Elizabeth Taylor 50+ Network
  • HIV + Aging Research Project-Palm Springs
  • NMAC
  • Older Women Embracing Life (OWEL)
  • Positively Aware
  • SAGE
  • Treatment Action Group
  • The Reunion Project
  • The Well Project


A Girl Like Me HIV Events/Conferences HIV & Aging Women Long Term Survivors




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