HIV diagnosis


I am HIV positive, I am Healthy and I am proud of it. More than that I am a super girl in my eyes and I don't care what others thinks about me. But my dream is to make a better society.

Submitted on Aug 31, 2015

Cito buen amigo el Dr. Ben Young (oficial médico jefe IAPAC) "El Medicamento para el VIH previenen la enfermedades, la muerte y las nuevas infecciones. Entonces, ¿cómo hacer con su país el acceso y...

Submitted on Aug 7, 2015

August 1st will be my 25th anniversary of positively living with HIV! It hasn't always been a positive experience but I can now say I am very happy with my positive status.

Submitted on Aug 5, 2015

It's time to say it: in one area, we HIV/AIDS activists have caused more harm than good. I am proud to be one of the few Ugandans to say publicly that I am living positively with HIV. But, in the...

Submitted on Jul 21, 2015

It's amazing to me how time waits for no one, and neither does HIV. After a good friend tested positive, I thought to myself … How? Why? I questioned myself as to what did I do wrong? I talked about...

Submitted on Jul 14, 2015

My name is Barbara Kemigisa. I am a single mother living with HIV in Kampala Uganda Africa. I am 29 years old and have passed through different challenges which affect most of our youth today and get...

Submitted on Jul 13, 2015

Solo una persona mal de la cabeza o muy cuerda de la cabeza podría hacer un cambio como las transgéneros lo hacemos. Recuerdo perfectamente algunas palabras de gente de mi entorno

Submitted on Jun 30, 2015

I perfectly recall all that was said by the people around me. My Mother: Promise me that you will never have an operation or have anything cut off…you really must promise me that!! My Father: What would my Mother, your Grandmother, say if she were still alive for God's sake! And to think that you were her special favorite!

Submitted on Jun 30, 2015

So I'm dating this guy, right? And it was so awesome because I had just come out of an abusive relationship that lasted 2 and a half years. This one however, Adam, I considered my best guy friend for...

Submitted on Jun 27, 2015

Sometime ago a young man was sent to see me in my office. I meet with him, he was looking so depressed and frustrated I asked how I may help him. He then told me that he suspects that he is infected...

Submitted on Jun 25, 2015


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