HIV diagnosis


In the fall of 2001 things really came apart. It was then that I was hospitalized with Pneumocystis Pneumonia and received an AIDS diagnosis. I had 48 t-cells and a host of health problems. When my...

Submitted on May 6, 2014

My life is immersed in my search for freedom from active addiction through Narcotics Anonymous. Being a drug addict is an additional stigma to being HIV positive. And while I haven't found much...

Submitted on Apr 30, 2014

March has marched on and I feel I have let it drift over me. It began well and I visited my specialist hospital, following a referral from their HIV midwife who I consulted in November. I’m not...

Submitted on Apr 15, 2014

Sonya posted a new blog, I Made a Vow... on A Girl Like Me’s Voices from our Allies: Lynette was in a Harlem hospital on the 3rd floor in a room alone, and refused to give her life to Christ as I...

Submitted on Apr 10, 2014

Lynette was in a Harlem hospital on the 3rd floor in a room alone, and refused to give her life to Christ as I stood there begging! Quarantined due to the opportunistic infection, her body was plagued...

Submitted on Apr 8, 2014

You can call me Dee. I am 50 years old an have a 13 year old adopted son. I was diagnosed in Atlanta on November 1, 1996. I was having severe fatigue and just knew I needed to be tested for HIV. I...

Submitted on Apr 1, 2014

The summer I was 19. It was fall, 1989. Life was simple living in a small rural community in the eastern United States. I got into a routine. I slept during the day, worked at night. I was looking for...

Submitted on Mar 24, 2014

Sonya posted a new blog, Why the Wait? on A Girl Like Me’s Voices from our Allies: I am so upset about the fact that my friend tested positive 2 months ago, and to date has not seen a doctor! Not to...

Submitted on Mar 10, 2014

I am so upset about the fact that my friend tested positive 2 months ago, and to date has not seen a doctor! Not to mention the health department leaving a note on their door stating it was urgent to...

Submitted on Mar 10, 2014

"I've learned that courage is not the absence of fear, but the triumph over it. The brave person is not he who does not feel afraid, but he who conquers that fear."- Madiba When I moved to Chicago a...

Submitted on Mar 9, 2014


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