HIV diagnosis


I have kind of “mixed-feelings” with the virus. At one hand, it had ebbed away my life, at other it gave me a new lease of life, with new meaning, and more importantly, the new “ME”. The scars on my...

Submitted on Jul 8, 2013

It's July 4, 2013...Independence Day! I felt compelled to share something today! It's about freedom, releasing the hurt, the pain, etc. that each of us has endured! Domestic Violence (1972-1998 off/on...

Submitted on Jul 5, 2013

To honor the amazing leadership, advocacy and work of The Well Project Founder (and first A Girl Like Me blogger), Dawn Averitt, we would like to share this note from her brother and Co-Founder...

Submitted on Jun 28, 2013

Maybe I really don’t understand how ill I am, or maybe I don’t want to. Either way, I keep reading and studying for the (nursing) state boards in a week. There are a lot of AIDS questions in the...

Submitted on Jun 25, 2013

I’ll be the first person to admit that I am not a huge fan of Tyler Perry’s projects therefore I had no interest in viewing his newest film Temptation. Less than a week after the movie’s release, a...

Submitted on May 22, 2013

OMG!!!!! in a few days I will be 40 YEARS OLD!!! and 24 years living with HIV ! When I was infected in 1989 at the age of 16 and then diagnosed 1 week after my 18th bday in April 18 1991, IT WAS A...

Submitted on Apr 4, 2013

OK... My soul is hurting. I feel so powerless. :( I have people from all over the world writing me that they have no medicine! That they are discriminated and it is happening here in the United States...

Submitted on Mar 15, 2013

Today was my eighth anniversary with HIV. I was diagnosed in a small town doctor’s office, all alone and terrified, eight years ago today. It was the first time that I don’t remember crying when the...

Submitted on Mar 5, 2013

“Life is not measured by the number of breaths we take but by the moments that take our breath away.” ~Hilary Cooper There was a time in my life when the thought of taking my last breath frightened me...

Submitted on Feb 26, 2013

I made this to help give someone the courage to know that they can get out and do better. Just because you have made mistakes, doesn't mean you are a mistake.

Submitted on Feb 6, 2013


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