HIV diagnosis


At age twenty five I decided to go back to college. I enrolled to an HBCU and majored in Sociology. I loved my major and made the Dean’s list every semester. In addition to being in school full time I...

Submitted on Oct 16, 2012

Please view my video blog talking about " A Day with HIV in America" which occurred on Friday, September 21, as well as other recent updates in my life lately: A Day with HIV in America   My video...

Submitted on Sep 24, 2012

I read a statement earlier this week that has stuck with me ever since. It said "Perhaps we as humans are like plants, the moment we cease to grow is the moment we begin to die."

Submitted on Sep 7, 2012

Attending AIDS 2012 was an experince I shall live to always cherish for the rest of my life, and I have shared with PLWH women in the clinic (in Lagos, Nigeria) where I access treatment from just two...

Submitted on Aug 30, 2012

I'd like to believe that I am a strong young woman who's just simply trying to live her life the best way possible....yes, I encounter challenges on a daily basis but that does not keep me down. It's...

Submitted on Aug 14, 2012

NOTE from the Editor: The Well Project is thrilled to be working together with AIDS United as a part of their "Access2Care" initiative to share the stories of several HIV positive women, their...

Submitted on Aug 8, 2012

NOTE from the Editor: The Well Project is thrilled to be working together with AIDS United as a part of their "Access2Care" initiative to share the stories of several HIV positive women, their...

Submitted on Aug 7, 2012

Before I decided to post this video I was thrilled, yet hesitant. I am thrilled that I can be a part of A Girl Like Me and try to make a difference to someone somewhere. But then the thoughts of not...

Submitted on Aug 2, 2012

The 19th International AIDS Conference in Washington, DC kicked off on the 22nd of July 2012 and I was one of the lucky few bloggers who was lucky enough to attend this wonderful conference (where...

Submitted on Aug 1, 2012

June 28 is a day I’ll never forget: the anniversary of my HIV diagnosis. It was 1988. I was only 19, and didn’t know a single other HIV-positive woman. Misinformation and fear dominated the public...

Submitted on Jul 12, 2012


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