HIV diagnosis


I would have never imagined the 1st of Dec would mean anything more to me than a cousin's birthday, for which I would put a reminder on my phone and wish her when the time came. But today it means...

Submitted on Dec 1, 2011

World AIDS Day is celebrated on December 1st each year around the world. It has become one of the most recognised international health days and a key opportunity to raise awareness, commemorate those...

Submitted on Nov 22, 2011

I remember my first memory at the age of three, unlike some children that have wonderful memories of their childhood mine was a very traumatic one! I was molested by a family member at such a young...

Submitted on Apr 26, 2011

I can’t believe it has been 3 months since I posted. When I first became involved with the AGLM blog I was so nervous, yet so excited to have an outlet for my HIV “junk.” The good part is that after I...

Submitted on Apr 19, 2011

Hello, It's been a mad 3 months. Moved to a new city, new job and life has been a roller coaster. Meeting new friends, and some old ones too. In a busy life while I am trying to be like everybody else...

Submitted on Apr 19, 2011

I really wanted to write this as everyone I know always comments about how happy I always am, or appear to be, and I tell them that this is not always the case. I do have bad days but I pretty much...

Submitted on Apr 18, 2011

Being diagnosed HIV Positive was the Worst day and the Best day in my life…Ok I know this sounds bizarre but the worst bit was the realization that I might die before I’ve achieved anything with the...

Submitted on Apr 7, 2011

It's my birthday today. I'm turning 31 and you, Mr. virus, its your 7th year celebration living in my body, I suppose. I realized today that i need for me and you to be civil to each other. You see...

Submitted on Mar 18, 2011


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