HIV diagnosis


I am a daughter, niece, sister, cousin and mom. I will be 36 years old this birthday. Three days before I will celebrate my 8 year poziversary. My diagnosis was a surprise, since I had tested negative...

Submitted on Jun 16, 2015

My name is Kelly Gluckman, I'm 28 years old and born and raised in the suburbs right outside of Los Angeles California. I come from a very middle class family, and I was raised with what people think...

Submitted on Jun 16, 2015

I can remember back when I was a child and things were difficult. All the lessons life had to teach me, the hardships, the abuse, homelessness, drugs, rape. I struggled and fought to survive, thru the...

Submitted on Jun 11, 2015

Michael Johnson is a young black man living with HIV who has recently been found guilty of recklessly infecting another person with HIV without disclosing his status. It seems befitting that I make my...

Submitted on May 27, 2015

This photograph was taken the summer of 1989. I had traveled from Florida to NY with my boyfriend for a mini vacation. As you can see, I was excited to have caught this little fish. We were in a small rowboat enjoying the warm day and I had no cares or concerns. Except that it had taken me a long time to reel that fish in.

Submitted on Apr 28, 2015

All I heard was the roaring in my head. The counselor wanted to talk about "safe sex" and I said "Sex? That is the last thing on my mind right now". It really wasn't a shock because my boyfriend had...

Submitted on Apr 14, 2015

I was born in 1957 in a small Northern California town, farming country with a Mom and Dad, two brothers and a sister. I knew at an early age I wanted out of my small and wanted more for my life than just getting married and settling down.

Submitted on Apr 8, 2015

I am 25 years old, HIV born, but totally in control of my destiny. Faith saw me through as well as self healing. I dine in poetry like a Thanksgiving feast. I've already attained touching feats...

Submitted on Apr 6, 2015

¡Sí! Triste pero cierto, esta es mi situación actual y esto me detuvo me en seco! Básicamente me estoy haciendo esto yo misma con exceso de trabajo y el estrés. Creo que en mi mente estoy tratando de...

Submitted on Mar 24, 2015

Yes! Sad but true, this is my current situation and it stopped me dead in my tracks. Basically I overwork myself and stress about things I shouldn't be stressing about. I try to overcompensate from...

Submitted on Mar 24, 2015


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