HIV diagnosis


Yesterday I posted to my Facebook page… "People try to shame me for living with HIV, FUCK I'M NOT THE ONE SPREADING IT. I am safer than all the other men and women you are with. Test, ladies, because...

Submitted on Aug 19, 2016

My Name Is Sophie Jayawardene and this is my story.

Submitted on Aug 9, 2016

Today I want to write to those not living with HIV. I want you to know that we exist, that our diagnosis does not define us. We have the same dreams, the same desires, but for some reason our life became different.

Submitted on Aug 5, 2016

Una muy Real Conversación con mi Madre y mi tía sobre el VIH y como ellas tomaron la noticia en aquellos tiempos el Estigma y lo que era mi sentencia de muerte en esa época.

Submitted on Aug 1, 2016

A very real conversation with my mother and aunt about HIV and how they dealt with my disclosure, stigma and the death sentence HIV was in those times...

Submitted on Aug 1, 2016

Hello! It’s me, Angel S... I have been reading my 500/501 course material (Basics of HIV/AIDS counseling, testing, and linkage course) and I can’t help but want to share about the transformation...

Submitted on Jul 28, 2016

On July 20th, 2016, I had my first meeting with Senator Lindsey Graham's staff. This meeting was to request more funding, so we can end HIV/AIDS here in South Carolina and around the world. When I say...

Submitted on Jul 27, 2016

Hoy tengo ganas de escribir a quienes no viven con VIH.

Submitted on Jul 25, 2016

The International AIDS Conference (AIDS 2016) has officially begun in Durban, South Africa.

Submitted on Jul 19, 2016

My name is Sophie Mubvumbi Jayawardene. Many People call me Stigma Warrior Princess. Please feel free to call me this or Sophie Jayawardene. I was diagnosed in 1989. At the time I was happily married...

Submitted on Jul 15, 2016


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