HIV drug access


Hola gente maravillosa. Gracias por la oportunidad de leer mis inquietudes. Todos o la mayoría de nosotros sabemos que los Inmigrantes en EEUU no son tratados con la dignidad debida. Si tomamos en...

Submitted on Jul 23, 2015

As a person living with HIV, I feel it is absolutely vital to my mental wellbeing to be around likeminded people who share with me the hurts and struggles due to fear and stigma attached to having a...

Submitted on Jul 9, 2015

Sometime ago a young man was sent to see me in my office. I meet with him, he was looking so depressed and frustrated I asked how I may help him. He then told me that he suspects that he is infected...

Submitted on Jun 25, 2015

I was chosen to receive a scholarship to attend CROI (Conference on Retroviruses and Opportunistic Infections) in Seattle from February 23-26, 2015.

Submitted on Mar 2, 2015

Well, where do I start? First of all, I am super proud in the wonderful opportunity I was given to be The Well Project's Global Ambassador. I continue to be on their CAB and of course my first love...

Submitted on Feb 28, 2015

As a person who shares in this epidemic, it is becoming more worrisome and frightening for many people living with the HIV virus in Nigeria. I remember some years back in the early 2000s, we were...

Submitted on Oct 24, 2014

I was able to attend the United States Conference on AIDS (USCA) in San Diego, held October 2-5, 2014. This conference had over 2,000 attendees, many of whom worked in the HIV community. The sessions...

Submitted on Oct 9, 2014

While at the Positive Women's Network Speak Up! Summit, I was able to participate in many wonderful sessions. One session that really resonated with me was in regard to treatment advocacy. Treatment...

Submitted on Sep 22, 2014

As many of you know, a primary focus of The Well Project is to offer community support and advocacy development initiatives to address stigma, discrimination, and the need for enhanced leadership for...

Submitted on Sep 8, 2014

This is the final week of the #OperationGirl Charity Challenge and we're trying to raise as much money as possible for our organization to help us continue to provide access to life-saving and life...

Submitted on Aug 13, 2014


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