HIV drug access


In my next several blogs I would like to explore with you some of the strategies that have worked for me and others in running the HIV marathon.

Submitted on Jun 25, 2014

"Looking after my health TODAY gives me a better hope for TOMORROW" - Anne Wilson Schaef DISCLAIMER: What failed on me does NOT mean that it may not work on you. PLEASE listen to your body and go by...

Submitted on Jun 10, 2014

So much has been on my mind. I’m frustrated every time I turn around. I’m sick of the hurt and killings. I’m sick of listening to folks say I’m winning. I’m tired of babies being hurt and abused. I’m...

Submitted on Jun 3, 2014

UPDATE OF MEDS: As some know, I “once again” asked my doctor to change my medication regimen! I took Trizivir for 10 years. It was a good medicine but I noticed that my red blood cells were enlarged...

Submitted on May 30, 2014

Life for me and my family is a big struggle but in everything, we give thanks to God. There are so many challenges to life here in Nigeria. My daughter took ill and we could not afford to take her to...

Submitted on May 19, 2014

I love writing my blog and truly enjoy the global aspect that it brings. It has helped me grow more comfortable and accepting of my status. Through this experience, I’ve been searching for a way to...

Submitted on Mar 28, 2014

Greetings friends. It has been a moment since I last posted. Some would say its the Devil trying to prevent me from being heard, others might say bad Karma...Me, I just say "Its Life...and Keep it...

Submitted on Aug 28, 2013

This world makes me so sad...all I see is destruction and people arguing. We are all one!! We are the human race! The end of times are not here yet (in my belief) and we're already turning on each...

Submitted on Jul 18, 2013

To honor the amazing leadership, advocacy and work of The Well Project Founder (and first A Girl Like Me blogger), Dawn Averitt, we would like to share this note from her brother and Co-Founder...

Submitted on Jun 28, 2013

I currently work at the National Call Center on HIV/AIDS and related disease in Nigeria. This has given me more opportunities to counsel lots of people and educate them on HIV/AIDS. We receive calls...

Submitted on Mar 22, 2013


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