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I made this video to discuss the importance of women living with HIV to participate in research that affects our lives. In order for women to receive care and treatment that works for us — our bodies...
My year has been full of changes. I am willing to learn from mistakes; rebuilding can be fun. Today I awake to my granddaughter (12) and my mom. Mom cooks the best; we are having hash omelettes. Yum...
Long Term Survivor day is coming up soon, a day when we celebrate the longevity, the courage, the strength and especially the wisdom of those who have lived with the disease for many years, through...
Where do I start? AIDSWatch, as many know, is a very important conference where us activists gather and advocate for our states.
Irma plus 2. How has my life been impacted by Irma and does HIV become a priority concern? No, after securing my meds to a safe location. Safety, water, food, shelter, that's what's on my mind.
Life for me and how I saw the world changed three years ago in April 2015. I remember it like it was yesterday. I had just put my pre-k students on the bus to go home, when I came back to my classroom...
How can you preach that you are a Christian and at the same time say that health is a privilege? How can you really not see health as a human right? So, the Poor that cannot pay for health care should...
Day 3 evening. Left friends, and meeting with David for a small task I said I would help with. Deal was to get dropped off and ride extra bike back home, meet FBI guy, and head out for a bit.
While many four letter words come to mind regarding yesterday's House vote to pass the American Health Care Act (labeled by some as an "act of monstrous cruelty"), the one we need to keep at the...
Upon entering the police vehicle I asked the officer to please let me take my purse so I had my meds, they were very important. I told the officer I was HIV positive and my meds were in the purse. He...