HIV drug access


Saben por años y años le he preguntado a mis médicos la misma pregunta? Por qué, si soy indetectable por 17 años ya y todos estos años, mis cd4s nunca se aumentan a niveles buenos? Hago todo lo...

Submitted on Sep 15, 2016

You know, for years and years I have asked doctors the same question??? Why, if I have been undetectable for 17 years and do everything humanly possible to raise my T-cells by being SUPER adherent and...

Submitted on Sep 15, 2016

I want to encourage women to come out of the darkness like that I was in. To give hope to hopeless. I also want to be an international advocate/activist like Maria, Broadbent, Brenda to help fight for people living with HIV.

Submitted on Sep 9, 2016

Hi everyone! I have something to let you all know about being proactive in your HIV care.

Submitted on Aug 23, 2016

My Name Is Sophie Jayawardene and this is my story.

Submitted on Aug 9, 2016

On July 20th, 2016, I had my first meeting with Senator Lindsey Graham's staff. This meeting was to request more funding, so we can end HIV/AIDS here in South Carolina and around the world. When I say...

Submitted on Jul 27, 2016

My name is Sophie Mubvumbi Jayawardene. Many People call me Stigma Warrior Princess. Please feel free to call me this or Sophie Jayawardene. I was diagnosed in 1989. At the time I was happily married...

Submitted on Jul 15, 2016

It has been ten months since I have been diagnosed HIV Positive. It has been a tough road and journey these ten months. Some of the struggles that I have faced so far are: telling family members and...

Submitted on Jun 28, 2016

Me llamo Anna Gonzalez Francis. Tengo 40 años y nací y vivo en Barcelona (España). Es difícil resumir tantísimas cosas en simplemente cuatro lineas, que a veces, pocas o muchas veces, se las lleva el viento.

Submitted on May 11, 2016

¿Dónde empiezo? Es con mucho dolor que estoy escribiendo este blog...los recuerdos de mis amigos que murieron por complicaciones del SIDA me persiguen todo el tiempo.

Submitted on Mar 8, 2016


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