Angel S.'s blog

I attended the PWN 2016 Summit in Fort Walton Beach FL; there I was able to let the demons fade away with the love and solidarity I felt by meeting such powerful and encouraging woman.

Thinking about my story. What really is my story? I grew up in Chicopee, Mass. I have my GED. I have a daughter, I buried a son, I was a dancer for 12 years, and have had my battles with self, life, love, etc.

After reading Tiommi Luckett's blog It's Time for Change I was not even a bit surprised. Yet this brings much concern to me about how all of us living with HIV, no matter our undetectable status, our being on meds, taking our health serious and yet still we are given the short straw sometimes without even noticing. We all too often give our decision making up to others. In order to be heard we must speak! Thank you for educating me a little as to how you deal with the multiple issues involved in Living HIV positive and being transgender. I believe too many choices are being made for us by...

Yesterday I posted to my Facebook page… "People try to shame me for living with HIV, FUCK I'M NOT THE ONE SPREADING IT. I am safer than all the other men and women you are with. Test, ladies, because the men just don't care when it comes to get a nut. I have been undetectable for so many moons. Try reading up on that shit. You want something to talk about. Talk about this topic with your teens so they they will be better prepared. Mutual monogamy is not always the case for a lot of women are given the diagnosis by their supposed faithful husband. Yes, the numbers are high. Young girls sleeping...

As I continue to learn myself, I continue to grow as an individual thus becoming more available as an advocate for HIV. I was picking and choosing the people I would be honest with and whom I would speak to. This art of lying seems to come easy to me as I have been living a lie for so long. Last night I came clean on my personal facebook page about how I feel about living with HIV, I turned the tables of me; I said what I see as my story. I cannot partially engage in the Stigma (by being silent) then act as if I am a help to the community. So it’s out there. Some are ok and some not. This does...

Hello! It’s me, Angel S... I have been reading my 500/501 course material (Basics of HIV/AIDS counseling, testing, and linkage course) and I can’t help but want to share about the transformation happening in my life. I am getting brave and firm in my stand against wrongful treatment of people living with HIV. I can find issues that pertain to me as a person living HIV positive which seem to have me question myself, my standards, my worth and my life each and every day and several different times, locations and in different groups of people. Why is it people not living with HIV can spew...

I am so excited to introduce myself to the community of A Girl Like Me. My name is Angel Stetson. I am 45 years old.