Angel S.'s blog

Today I love me and I am worthy. I am a sound woman. I have great character. I am a leader. I am fierce. I am a rockstar. I am a sister. I am a friend. I am everything I want to be. I am a beast to reckon with. I am loved. I am powerful. I am an overcomer. I am life. I am fun. I am happy. I am satisfied. I am beautiful. I am I am I am BECAUSE I SAY I AM!! Love and Light; Stay Beautiful. Remember how we talk to ourselves is what sets our stage for the day and how others treat us. So be kind in your words about yourself. We are our worst critics. Send love upon yourself.

SPEAK UP! 2018 was full of learning experiences, humility, sass and love. #PWNSummit #Speakup2018 I was greeted at the airport by Tami Haught and a group of ladies traveling to the same event. This year was #PWNUSA Ten Year’s Fierce Celebration. The lasting impression I got this year was the love and friendship, and I reconnected with the ladies I seen at #speakup2016. I love that we as a group of diverse woman were able to get through our differences and fears. I want to give a shout out to my Sarasota Women’s Support Group for joining in on this event. I was feeling so loved you all came to...

A recharge. I have set things, people, friends, solidarity, women, and some of my sisters all in a space of chaos in my life. Fighting a fight others pretend is not here (mental health). It is here as an invisible illness, it's a fact as accurate as LUNG CANCER, can take your friends, mental health can kill them too. You stand with me armed with leadership, integrity, compassion, understanding, and possibilities. I will not hide. I will fight! From afar YOU calm my inner being; helping myself (my experiences) to stare in the face of stigma and laugh; a belly laugh. You taught me self care...

When I found out I tested positive for HIV I was first unprepared to process what was going on in my body. Knowing since 93 it could lie dormant in my body and having lost my first sexual partner to AIDS, my name would be forever tainted by The AIDS Epidemic. When I didn't know for sure, I was sure it was better off that way. Fast forward to receiving my positive status, I officially had to acknowledge in 2006. I was guided by the doctors and staff at my clinic and within a month I went to being undetectable and my T cells went from 52 to over 250. I share this for good reason. Armed with some...

Hello friends. What a life. I am without a lot of words as I begin to write. Still getting over being banned and overlooked by my mentor and peer navigators. I signed a paper in my medical directive to keep a couple people from my medical records. I don't feel that they play a big enough role in my hands-on care and too much has become personal and again, no relationship resembles such inclusion so why am I wrong to do with my healthcare as I see fit? I really am missing out on the new things happening in the community so I am venturing to new events to make new acquaintances and continue my...

Hopelessness is my beginning, I hope to succeed, I hope to... Daily we experience death on so many levels. Death of a loved one is probably first on your mind. How about death of a career, TV series or a household item (your blow dryer or iron); death of a habit or addiction, death of a disease. Here lately, for me I recognize death behind all fears. Fear is a feeling when moved in by your choice, yeah it may win; however staying in the moment is a choice of deciding whom wins. Forget Hope, trust You. Stop grabbing for your babysitter (i.e., mentioned above fearing to lose.) No longer your go...

Irma plus 2. How has my life been impacted by Irma and does HIV become a priority concern? No, after securing my meds to a safe location. Safety, water, food, shelter, that's what's on my mind.

The aftermath and education... I made it through. I am Clean! Off these drugs taking my serenity from me. I notice as days turn to weeks just what my part in stigma is. I am disappointed I have allowed myself to become a Stigmatizer myself. I found that by being ashamed of my status I was giving power and fuel to the ignorance of others. I self-medicated to numb the feeling so I could move forward with my advocacy, now I see how wrong I was. I accept my status and I love and accept myself as I am. I am not a bad person. I made bad decisions. I took a more colorful route than most choose. I am...

So the topic today comes to mind after a person reacted completely like a jackass. Uneducated and ignorant. You have to believe that without education of any type your just an ass with a mouth and words; careful with those, you cannot unsay anything. So my question would be: Why do you think you're above me? What exactly gives you the right to try to be mean to my lover? I am in this fight not just for us living with HIV; I do this for the human race. I am uncomfortable when you storm in a room and say shit like, "Wow you got AIDS?" I would like to respond, "I have a lot more than 'AIDS', I...

So I have been struggling between addiction, sexual, mental and physical abuse. Yet when asked, "Why do you accept the time you have with these individuals?" I can only respond with love. I ask myself why does it matter to me? I see you stand in judgement of others. When you had and have no intentions to comfort, teach or love these particular individuals. Go away already for Goodness sake. Misery does love company. I do not. After so many decades of loneliness and feeling inadequate, your door opens; yet unlike the company you been keeping, an unfamiliar face appears (I see me, I showed up)...