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My International Group and My Thoughts and Advice to Those Living With the Human Condition of HIV

Submitted on Sep 8, 2021 by  MariaHIVMejia


Come join my group in Facebook! I am so proud of this group that I founded around 12 years ago! It started with like 100 people and it's international and it's in English. ❤️ I also created one in Spanish for all Latin America and Spain. ❤️ I wanted to create a support group online - something I didn't have when I got #HIV at the age of 15 in 1988 or when I found out I had it and had no support in 1991.

I was just turning 18 years old! No medicine! No internet! No support groups! I didn't know anyone else that had HIV and all I knew was what I saw on TV: gay white men in San Francisco dying. ? The stigma, the ignorance that still exists in this uneducated society! And it was a death sentence that I managed to survive while millions died. ? I have survivor's guilt because of it, anxiety, depression (but medicated)… and of course, PTSD because of it and what has happened to me in my roller coaster life. I am still here and standing! ??

Now these two groups I founded have over 40 thousand active members and I have some amazing administrators from all over the world. ❤️ We have basic rules and guidelines to get in. It's private and it's on Facebook, just look for the name. We have many people that are HIV-negative there and we have newly diagnosed people and also long-term survivors like myself, 33-year survivor of HIV and I am strong as hell! The key to this is mental, eat healthy, be a good human, and be honest about your status with whomever you sleep with! Drink lots of water and get support and be adherent to your medications!!! We all know that if you take your pill a day and become undetectable and it is sustained... you CANNOT transmit HIV sexually to anyone! Zero chance. Google @cdcgov @actagainstaids #CDC statement "Undetectable equals Untransmittable" so you can read the facts about science! We are not contagious and HIV stops with us by knowing our status and taking our medicine! This is how we will end this epidemic. ??

Soon I will be doing something very important with @preventionac #uequalsu and I am so excited. ? Everyone needs to know this important news! This has set us free.

#mariamejia #thewellproject #uequalsu

Love and light

To request membership to my English Facebook group, click here.

To request membership to my Spanish Facebook group, click here.

Submitted by Red40something

Blessings and light Maria! Stuggling with anxiety and  depression are daunting on their own, but survivors guilt is a whole new nuance. I'm glad you have been able to focus on something positive that helps others. Bless you! 

Submitted by Ci Ci

It took me a while to realize that this group was started by you, I have just always come across it as such a great support for the community. Thank you for providing what it was that you needed. It has helped so many other people - I am certain of it. I love you! 

Submitted by KatieAdsila

You've been an inspiration to me for some time, I also started FB groups to educate and build community, much of my inspiration came from you. You're an amazing woman sis, you change lives and make a difference!!

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