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Learn about harmful effects of stigma and discrimination and read inspiring stories of women living with HIV overcoming stigma to lead full, healthy lives.
No sabía que me sentiría tan bien y para ser honesta, ¡me encanta! Sé lo que quiero, me siento cómoda en mi propia piel, sé que soy de la luz, pero bailo con la oscuridad a veces - todas tenemos ese Yin y Yang.
I didn't know it would feel this good and to be honest, I am loving it! I know what I want, I am comfortable in my skin, I know that I am of the light, but I dance with darkness sometimes - and we all have that Yin and Yang.
The year was 1991. I was just diagnosed with HIV. I was 18 years old and my dream was to become a marine.
All my love for you Job Corps; I've been meaning to write this blog for years!
Que consumo en ayunas con mis 51 años y como sobreviviente del #vih de 36 años
What do I consume in the a.m. as a 51 year old and a long term survivor of #hiv for 36 years and undetectable
Apenas cumplí 51 el 11 de abril, y sigo aquí, con todos los subibajas, pero luchando como la guerrera que soy.
I just turned 51 on April 11, and I'm still here, with all the ups and downs, but fighting like the warrior that I am.
I didn't want to write a harmful blog, but it's my duty. As the title says, the Republican Party is proposing an appropriation bill to cut significant HIV/AIDS funds.
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