Maria Mejia


Well where do I start? It is no secret that I have been going through one of the toughest times of my life. I thought I may not be able to go, but how can I cancel when they gave me a partial...

Submitted on: Sep 16, 2015

I have been going through one of the roughest times of my life and I wanted to show the world that it is ok to be a strong woman and ask for help at the same time. Being a part of the Greater Than...

Submitted on: Aug 29, 2015

I am quoting good friend Dr. Ben Young (Chief medical officer IAPAC) "HIV medications prevent disease, death and new infections. So how does your country do with access and guidelines to HIV...

Submitted on: Jul 24, 2015

My spirit gets shaken when people write me and tell me they want to get famous for having HIV. This is not about fame or us!

Submitted on: May 20, 2015

It was a great honor to represent the state of Florida as a woman, a Latina and a Lesbian! It surprised me not to see more Latinas coming from Miami! I was the only one! It was like a Facebook reunion...

Submitted on: Apr 17, 2015

¡Sí! Triste pero cierto, esta es mi situación actual y esto me detuvo me en seco! Básicamente me estoy haciendo esto yo misma con exceso de trabajo y el estrés. Creo que en mi mente estoy tratando de...

Submitted on: Mar 24, 2015

Yes! Sad but true, this is my current situation and it stopped me dead in my tracks. Basically I overwork myself and stress about things I shouldn't be stressing about. I try to overcompensate from...

Submitted on: Mar 24, 2015

Many that know me through social media know that I guide and try to answer all the questions that come to me…I get thousands a month and with all the travel and work I do I can’t keep up sometimes...

Submitted on: Mar 5, 2015

Well, where do I start? First of all, I am super proud in the wonderful opportunity I was given to be The Well Project's Global Ambassador. I continue to be on their CAB and of course my first love...

Submitted on: Feb 28, 2015

It is with great honor that I accepted to be one of the ambassadors for NWGHAAD. As a Global Ambassador for The Well Project, I was the perfect fit. The Well Project is a fountain of information and...

Submitted on: Feb 14, 2015

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