Maria Mejia


Una muy Real Conversación con mi Madre y mi tía sobre el VIH y como ellas tomaron la noticia en aquellos tiempos el Estigma y lo que era mi sentencia de muerte en esa época.

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A very real conversation with my mother and aunt about HIV and how they dealt with my disclosure, stigma and the death sentence HIV was in those times...

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My name is Angel, yes I have HIV, and this is my second time blogging on here. It’s been awhile…because I was going through something. My best thinking led me to believe that isolating from everyone...

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Love, how beautiful it is! This is so important for people living with HIV / AIDS ... to have someone who loves you and can see you beyond the disease

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El amor, qué hermoso es! Esto es tan importante para las personas que viven con el VIH / SIDA tener a alguien que te ame y puede ver más allá de la enfermedad, es decir si son VIH negativas...

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I am Maria Hiv Mejia-Laing. I am here as a living example that HIV/AIDS is not the end!

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¿Dónde empiezo? Es con mucho dolor que estoy escribiendo este blog...los recuerdos de mis amigos que murieron por complicaciones del SIDA me persiguen todo el tiempo.

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Where do I start? It is with much sorrow that I am writing this blog...the memories of my friends that passed from AIDS complications haunt me all the time. It is very hard to express how I feel … so...

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Have you ever experienced something that left you feeling and questioning, "Did that really just happen?"

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You know, it is so hard for some people to talk about HIV! It's like if they even talk about it, they fear others will think they have it! I AM SO TIRED OF THE SHAME AND STIGMA of this human condition...

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