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My Depression, Trauma, HIV and Getting Help

Submitted on Aug 29, 2015 by  MariaHIVMejia

I have been going through one of the roughest times of my life and I wanted to show the world that it is ok to be a strong woman and ask for help at the same time. Being a part of the Greater Than AIDS campaign for HIV and IPV resurfaced many issues I had that I thought had healed...but the reality is that I was just glued together...I had not healed and now I am in intensive therapy for the first time in my life. I was in a very dark space...greater than any other pain I had felt before and I really wanted to end the pain and just be free. I am so happy my wife pushed for us to get help, individually and together! This saved my life and maybe our marriage. heart

Thank you to Krista for your words and love, and all of those that gave me advice and courage - Krista, Eddie Hamilton, Sean Black, Martha Lang, Susan, and so many more that reached out!! And MOST IMPORTANTLY My Wife Lisa and my mother who has always been and will be my rock and Foundation and GOD who means everything to me in this journey we call life.

Life is a path of roses filled with thorns! I was thinking...should I wait to get better to do my video blog about what is really going on? And I said NO! I want it to be now...while I am going through it, and I hope to make a video soon saying I am better...MUCH BETTER heart

I think you can see it in my eyes. I am tired and I am puffy from crying...but I am on the road to finding myself and recovery.

Much love and light

Maria T Mejia



Submitted by katie06

Thank you for sharing!  Mental health is so important and yet we often dismiss it.  I am also guilty of trucking through life and trying to forget.  But ultimatly, we must care for ourselves. Wish I could hug you in person and I'm proud of you!!!

Submitted by MariaHIVMejia

I really have been going through a tought time! I am just tired of portraying an image of strength always..even thought recognizing you are not strong is strength as well <3 Thank you for your words of encouragement ! I love you and I cant wait to see you and hig you! this made my day!


Thank you ! I am not alone after all <3


love and light



Submitted by czojeff

i so feel your pain. there are times when someone says something that is their stuff that affects me in places i thought i had defended myself against. but BAM there is that old hurt coming back to hurt me and make me give less than my best.

we need maria at her best, and if you are dealing with depression and other issues it is time to take a step back and work on you.

the world will still turn on it's axis and people will still have problems you can help with, but that all takes energy away from you being able to concentrate on you to get better.

maria (and of course Lisa) are our out front warriors fighting for change and  better services. we need/want our representatives to be fresh, charged and ready for battle. not worn down and depressed.

2 minute video MAX telling people to please help you by giving you the space to heal. hugs and energy being sent out to you.

i hope to see your message that you are taking a break, and then take that damn break...

love ya sweetie.


Submitted by MariaHIVMejia

I agree! self care is very important to me right now! and I am getting the help I need 


love and light




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