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I have HIV and I am human/Tengo VIH y soy un ser humano

Submitted on Sep 30, 2013 by  MariaHIVMejia


Maria new1

I know most people know I have HIV...but at the same time they forget I have it, because I do not look sick. HIV has no face...think before you write me please...I have feelings! I have people telling me, 'Oh wow, if I were to find out I am poz...I would kill myself!!' or 'I had many friends with HIV, they are all dead now, you probably have 5 more years left???' REALLY? NO! ONLY WHEN MY MISSION IS COMPLETE, I WILL GO TO THE LIGHT! Others are not even HIV positive and stress me out "I think I am poz and I am depressed! "GO GET TESTED" Some tested negative and still think they have HIV!!! YOU ARE NEGATIVE..STOP STRESSING ME OUT over what you do not have!! AND REMEMBER I DO HAVE HIV! So please, don't act like you're talking to a DOCTOR! I am just a person that fights against stigma and educates everyone! But at the end of the day, I have HIV and I am HUMAN.


Maria T Mejia


Sé que que muchas personas saben que tengo el VIH .. pero al mismo tiempo como que se les olvida que lo tengo porque no me veo enferma. el #VIH no tiene rostro .. Piensen antes de escribirme porfavor,tengo sentimientos y soy un ser humano.Tengo gente que me dice .. WOW! Si tuviera el #VIH me mataría .. o yo tenía muchos amigos con VIH que están todos muertos ya.. es probable que te queden solo 5 años más de vida?? COMO???? NO! SÓLO CUANDO MI MISIÓN ESTE COMPLETA me iré a la luz! otros no son ni #VIH positivos y me estresan diciendo "Creo que soy positiv@ y estoy deprimido!hagansen el exmen porfavor!! y muchos ya salieron negativos en la prueba de elisa y siguen pensandoque lo tienen y se obsesionan!! USTEDES SON NEGATIVOS me estresen mas con lo mismo!! Y RECUERDEN QUE tengo VIH? .. así que por favor..NO SOY médico! soy sólo una persona que lucha contra el estigma y la educacion de esta condicion ! .. pero al final del día .. Tengo #VIH y soy #HUMANA


Maria T Mejia..


Hola la verdad es que te admiro muchisimo por la forma como manejas el tema del virus yo apenas lo estoy asimilando despues de 7 años y me gustaria que me aclararas muchas dudas que tengo hacerca de la enfermedad gracias

Submitted by MariaHIVMejia

no, Bob ..this has nothing to do with you love..I hope things get better..seems like all of su are going through rough times

Submitted by Luz Estela Cañaveral Arteaga

Hi Maria I haven't blogged or been on the Internet except for going on a datesite and being involved with a sweet woman. I recieved your post and I'm sorry I made you upset when I asked you to walk me through my last test. But I haven't even been on this site. I've been working on my next blues album. Bob

Submitted by Luz Estela Cañaveral Arteaga

Thank You Maria , i dont know why but i seek your approval. I posted the latest of a plea for people to listen to you.

Submitted by Luz Estela Cañaveral Arteaga

Hola maria espero que estes bien

Submitted by Luz Estela Cañaveral Arteaga

I like you .. keep it up
Live your life but just take care..
I share you all what you feel and I am happy to see you very well and happy. Besos

Submitted by Luz Estela Cañaveral Arteaga

i understand you love,,,,,,,,,sometimes we become so selfish and only think you are here to solve our problems instead of giving you a word of encouragement too.....but dont worry u still are and remains an inspiration to some of us,,,,,love you lots,,,,.

Submitted by Luz Estela Cañaveral Arteaga

Maria, you are the no 1, i think you deserve congratulations instead of hurts, HIV is like any other disease! no need of stigma...

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