women's rights


Dignity, I gave away my dignity that's how I got here. I allowed myself to be treated less than I deserve and because of that I am here. Because of that I am alone. Because I realize I gave away my...

Submitted on Jul 5, 2017

While many four letter words come to mind regarding yesterday's House vote to pass the American Health Care Act (labeled by some as an "act of monstrous cruelty"), the one we need to keep at the...

Submitted on May 5, 2017

Upon entering the police vehicle I asked the officer to please let me take my purse so I had my meds, they were very important. I told the officer I was HIV positive and my meds were in the purse. He...

Submitted on Apr 3, 2017

This is a grim reality for Black Trans women; that we may not live to see the end of the day. We receive attention (good and bad), but when it is bad, it can be deadly.

Submitted on Mar 15, 2017

Women and girls who are living with HIV/AIDS wear many hats. We are mothers, sisters, aunts, grandmothers, wives, caretakers, friends–and the many hats can go on and on. National Women and Girls HIV...

Submitted on Mar 9, 2017

When a person gets an HIV diagnosis many people in society think that the positive person should either abstain from sexual activities or only date other positive individuals.

Submitted on Feb 21, 2017

Hey everyone, HAPPY NEW YEAR… I’m Janelle Luster born and raised in the San Francisco Bay Area, 24 years old, I was diagnosed in March of 2012.

Submitted on Jan 5, 2017

In response to Walking the Thin Black Line of Violence in the Lives of HIV+ Women by Loren Jones, Board Member, Positive Women’s Network-USA I was thinking the same thing when I read about a Day of...

Submitted on Oct 26, 2016

I attended the PWN 2016 Summit in Fort Walton Beach FL; there I was able to let the demons fade away with the love and solidarity I felt by meeting such powerful and encouraging woman.

Submitted on Oct 13, 2016

Mi nombre es Arianna Lint y soy la Directora Ejecutiva de una organización de promoción trans y de servicios "Arianna's Center." Llevo muchos sombreros

Submitted on Sep 28, 2016


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