women's rights


My name is Arianna Lint and I am the Executive Director of a local trans advocacy and service organization Arianna's center. I wear many hats

Submitted on Sep 28, 2016

I am home from the United States Conference on AIDS, and I’m reflecting over how not only was it my first USCA, but it provided me innumerable and invaluable opportunities to expound upon my advocacy...

Submitted on Sep 23, 2016

Is there something about me that suggests that I am a peacock? Definitely, even then you could not miss that I was brought up to be a proud woman.

Submitted on Sep 21, 2016

After reading Tiommi Luckett's blog It's Time for Change I was not even a bit surprised. Yet this brings much concern to me about how all of us living with HIV, no matter our undetectable status, our...

Submitted on Sep 19, 2016

Marriage is hard work that requires two hands to clap. Right now one hand is paralysed. The one-sided relationship is not what I term as a "relationship". It's more like a person labouring hard...

Submitted on Sep 15, 2016

I want to encourage women to come out of the darkness like that I was in. To give hope to hopeless. I also want to be an international advocate/activist like Maria, Broadbent, Brenda to help fight for people living with HIV.

Submitted on Sep 9, 2016

Hi everyone! I have something to let you all know about being proactive in your HIV care.

Submitted on Aug 23, 2016

I am A Positive Woman: Till there is a cure I will always be...

Submitted on Aug 12, 2016

As I continue to learn myself, I continue to grow as an individual thus becoming more available as an advocate for HIV. I was picking and choosing the people I would be honest with and whom I would...

Submitted on Aug 10, 2016

My Name Is Sophie Jayawardene and this is my story.

Submitted on Aug 9, 2016


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