women's rights


I am 25 years old, HIV born, but totally in control of my destiny. Faith saw me through as well as self healing. I dine in poetry like a Thanksgiving feast. I've already attained touching feats...

Submitted on Apr 6, 2015

No woman should lose her life on account of giving birth to a child. This I have been hearing lately. A colleague lost a sister to childbirth. I lost one of my community volunteers to the same issues...

Submitted on Apr 2, 2015

Who are WE? We are a Mother, daughter, friend, wife, aunt, sister different age and Nationalities. National Women and Girls HIV/AIDS Awareness Day is a day set aside to empower every woman worldwide who's living with HIV/AIDS.

Submitted on Mar 10, 2015

Many that know me through social media know that I guide and try to answer all the questions that come to me…I get thousands a month and with all the travel and work I do I can’t keep up sometimes...

Submitted on Mar 5, 2015

As we approach National Women and Girls HIV/AIDS Awareness Day on March 10, 2015, my mind is taking a magical mystery journey... Start Date 1981, the beginning of what would be my 20 years as a...

Submitted on Mar 4, 2015

I was chosen to receive a scholarship to attend CROI (Conference on Retroviruses and Opportunistic Infections) in Seattle from February 23-26, 2015.

Submitted on Mar 2, 2015

(Note to readers: The following blog contains some details of sexual and physical abuse.) I went to visit my mother a few weekends ago to check up on her and to just hang out. A few minutes into the visit, my father handed me an old passport and my kindergarten report card from overseas.

Submitted on Feb 25, 2015

HIV – Stigma and Discrimination / Love, Life, Laughter – HIV is a nothing if taken in a positive way, it is just another disease – the only fine line that separates it is IGNORANCE Being HIV Positive...

Submitted on Jan 23, 2015

This is the physical transformation I had. First pic I was a little girl that felt loved and cared for by her mother…At the same time this little girl was getting molested by her uncle and grew up...

Submitted on Nov 5, 2014

While at the Positive Women's Network Speak Up! Summit, I was able to participate in many wonderful sessions. One session that really resonated with me was in regard to treatment advocacy. Treatment...

Submitted on Sep 22, 2014


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