women's rights


This is going to be a blog of gratitude for my sisters, cisgender and transgender alike. I am humbled by the genuine care and concern that my sisters have shown me in what has quickly proved to be the most traumatic event of my life.

Submitted on Sep 28, 2015

Well where do I start? It is no secret that I have been going through one of the toughest times of my life. I thought I may not be able to go, but how can I cancel when they gave me a partial...

Submitted on Sep 16, 2015

India is very conservative and orthodox when it comes to HIV. In most areas (except in Mumbai) it is considered as a "taboo" topic, especially in rural areas.

Submitted on Sep 9, 2015

Dos importantes conferencias llegan para la comunidad de VIH residentes en EEUU, a las cuales tengo la oportunidad de asistir una en Washington DC la muy famosa USCA y la otra en Fort Walton Beach Florida... POSITIVE LIVING 18 | 2015 Annual HIV Conference.

Submitted on Sep 8, 2015

When I was little I loved the color pink. I was so small for my age I still wore toddler sizes in first grade. I liked Dora the Explorer and Hannah Montana (Miley Cyrus). I wanted to wear dresses all...

Submitted on Aug 14, 2015

I was invited to attend the Saving Ourselves Symposium in Memphis, Tennessee this past weekend from June 4-7. I made a promise to myself that before I wrote about the experience, I would calm down first.

Submitted on Jun 11, 2015

In many ways, one of our greatest success stories in the fight against HIV/AIDS to date has been our ability to reduce dramatically the rate of new HIV infections being passed from mother to child.

Submitted on May 27, 2015

Tiommi Jenae (formerly Tommy) Luckett is a transgender woman of color living with HIV since September 2012. Luckett began advocating in February 2014 by speaking at the Presidential Advisory Council...

Submitted on May 19, 2015

"Why do you make such a publicity stunt of yourself?", chided one person. "Why can't you just be happy, shut up and enjoy your marital bliss? After all you have got a loving home and a loving family...

Submitted on May 7, 2015

It was a sense of great pride and honor when I was nominated and selected for the prestigious KarmaVeer Chakra and KarmaVeer Global Fellowship Award instituted by iCongo in association with the United...

Submitted on Apr 8, 2015


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