women's rights


My grandson ran in his first Spartan race on Sunday, and as my eyes followed him, I thought how amazing this was that this could be a metaphor for all the challenges that so many of us have before we realize that we are all so unique

Submitted on Jul 26, 2019

I am #HIVpositive since 2005 due to medical negligence. I have been stigmatised, discriminated, hated, shunned and even ostracised. All because of my SILENCE. And FEAR.

Submitted on Jul 10, 2019

Each day we make thousands of tiny decisions that impact our day, our week, our year, and maybe even our life.

Submitted on Jun 28, 2019

It was pretty cold in Washington, but I knew I would see my brothers and sisters in the fight again and as usual I felt I was with my family!

Submitted on Apr 17, 2019

So I was talking to an acquaintance about the dating pool, age (ugh), deal breakers and dating overall.

Submitted on Apr 12, 2019

A friend of mine was reading my last blog and he said that I should elaborate... I spoke about never really being able to experience sexual freedom...

Submitted on Mar 19, 2019

Every year, World AIDS Day provides us with the opportunity to reflect on the incredible advances that we have made as a community over the last three decades and to honor the advocates and activists who have changed the course of this epidemic, including those we have lost and those who continue to tirelessly move us forward.

Submitted on Nov 30, 2018

When I finally understood that HIV is not an infectious contagious disease, I understood that I don't have to self-discriminate, I stopped seeing myself as a ticking timebomb, and began to befriend a...

Submitted on Nov 3, 2018

Cuando por fin entendí que el VIH no es una enfermedad infecto contagiosa entendí que no tengo porque auto-discriminarme, dejé de verme como una bomba de tiempo y empecé a amigarme con un virus que...

Submitted on Oct 30, 2018

USCA 2018 was my first national conference that I attended, I am beyond grateful that I was able to. The experience and knowledge I was able to obtain was remarkable and life-changing to say the least! Of course my big crybaby butt had a few moments I shed tears, but they was of joy!!

Submitted on Oct 4, 2018


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