pregnancy, HIV+ mothers, family


My name is Maria Mejia and this is my story with HIV! I kept my HIV diagnosis a secret from almost everyone for nearly 20 years. Diagnosed at 18 in 1991 and contracted HIV at the age of 15 in 1988, I...

Submitted on Oct 11, 2021

[Content warning: multiple sudden deaths, including a stillbirth]​ I am traumatized! I have been living in fear and my heart is so full of anxiety for no particular reason! I don't even know where to begin. The past weeks have been a very challenging and traumatizing time for me and my family.

Submitted on Sep 28, 2021

Yesterday I had my first doctor's appointment for my HIV care in a year. Between the pandemic, remote learning with my daughter, and moving from NYC to upstate, life has been hectic to say the least...

Submitted on Sep 24, 2021

As I, reflect, I am honored and privileged for the opportunity to be alive today. I am Grateful. This is the Here and Now. Sad to have known so many, that have not been granted this gift of aging...

Submitted on Sep 21, 2021

I've been living with HIV for (going on) 22 years now. I almost can't believe it, seems like a lifetime ago. I was just 27 when I was lying in a hospital bed dying; my children were just babies. When...

Submitted on Sep 14, 2021

I will be 64 next month and living with HIV for 36 years. I had a lot of illness at the beginning of my diagnosis in 1990 when I was only 39 years old. I thought I'd die soon and never see my son grow...

Submitted on Sep 14, 2021

As a woman and mother living with HIV how do I see ageing? A lot of people are afraid of ageing, yet for me it is a very exciting journey and I am actually looking forward to getting older! So, let me...

Submitted on Sep 13, 2021

This month marks my 9th year of living with HIV. Wow. Wait, this month marks my 9th year of living with HIV? I had to write it again because who would ever have thought I'd be here? The wild part is...

Submitted on Sep 13, 2021

Whilst we are nearing the end of a rainy summer, I would like to reflect on my summer time. It was actually very enjoyable no matter how I look at it! It started excellent by hearing news from my...

Submitted on Aug 26, 2021

Hi, my name is Sharonda Lynn. I've been HIV positive for 22 years and counting. I was first diagnosed at the age of 19 years old.

Submitted on Aug 25, 2021


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