pregnancy, HIV+ mothers, family


For a whole bunch of reasons no one but me cares about, I've been doing some research and compartmentalizing in my life.

Submitted on Apr 22, 2021

I've spoken briefly about finding out I was living with HIV when I got pregnant with my daughter, but I haven't really spoken on the entire experience. Although I have come to terms with my status and...

Submitted on Apr 16, 2021

12 years, 10 months. Approximately 4,687.27 days. A few drug regimens. Stigmatizing traumas. A HIV- negative child. What feels like 1,000 and 1 doctor's appointments. 502 stabs to my left arm. Because...

Submitted on Apr 15, 2021

The trajectory of HIV has changed dramatically in just a few decades.

Submitted on Mar 31, 2021

This has just been running through my mind for a while now. When I tested positive for the HIV virus, I immediately felt that it was the worst that could happen to me! So, I started preparing my seven...

Submitted on Mar 26, 2021

Last year we were all rocked by a deadly new virus. Somewhat like the early days of HIV, we didn't really understand the modes of transmission—we just knew it was potentially deadly.

Submitted on Feb 24, 2021

Today begins with a dance, a delicious duet between my anxious twinges and relatively dark depression. The audience on the edge of their seats... who will take the lead? Will she weep on the ground or work diligently to steady gasping breaths in the corner of the room?

Submitted on Jan 25, 2021

My dear lovely people living with HIV, I am not sure if we all know what U=U means. If not, I am always glad to explain it once again as it is really important to know U=U and how it can help to break...

Submitted on Jan 19, 2021

I remember fond memories of Christmas in the days of my youth, watching all of the classics like Rudolph, Frosty, How the Grinch Stole Christmas, Charlie Brown Christmas Special, etc. on tv every year...

Submitted on Jan 15, 2021

As everyone who already follows me knows, my perspective on contracting the virus is really different from someone who may not have been living with it for their entire lives. Being that I don't know a life without HIV, my perspective may be a bit unorthodox.

Submitted on Dec 21, 2020


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