pregnancy, HIV+ mothers, family


Lynnea was born in Los Angeles California. She found out about her HIV status at the age of 7.

Submitted on Dec 4, 2019

My name is Eliane. I am 43 years old and the mother of three children

Submitted on Dec 3, 2019

Our journey to treatment adherence is just that; a journey. Everyone's journey does not look the same and that's ok.

Submitted on Dec 2, 2019

I had an afterthought tonight. My son's father passed away about a month ago. We hadn't been together since 1984 so it wasn't hard to deal with, but it was sad because he was my first everything. The...

Submitted on Nov 27, 2019

See, a girl like me, living in a cruel cold world…with little to no backbone support.

Submitted on Nov 24, 2019

You only live once is a phrase we all hear a lot, though that's not true. The real statement is we only die once, but we live every day. In life some people believe in winning and losing, but me...

Submitted on Nov 20, 2019

I was 26 years old. My children were 1 and 6 years old. I had recently ended a mentally and physically abusive relationship.

Submitted on Nov 18, 2019

I was 11 years old when my mother and sister finally told me my mom had AIDS, my father had AIDS and I was born HIV+.

Submitted on Nov 5, 2019

When I found out I was HIV positive, I didn’t know much about the virus except for what I remember learning in my high school health class. I thought I was going to die young. I thought I would look...

Submitted on Nov 5, 2019

What is it going to take for you to get angry enough to move to action? Reproductive oppression must end! And it's going to take all of us to make it happen! What's the first thing you can do? VOTE!!!

Submitted on Nov 4, 2019


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