pregnancy, HIV+ mothers, family


I'm still a very young advocate, having just gotten into HIV advocacy a year and a half ago, but I'm no newbie to depression. As a transgender individual I've lived with deep and debilitating clinical...

Submitted on Jul 8, 2018

Thirty years ago today I was handed a death sentence. At least that is what an HIV diagnosis meant in 1988. In fact, it meant so much more than just death. It meant shame. It meant stigma. It meant judgement and isolation.

Submitted on Jun 28, 2018

I first heard the Undetectable equals Untransmittable message in 2016 and it changed everything about how I felt about myself. I was diagnosed in June of 2000 so that’s 16 years of living in the dark...

Submitted on Jun 4, 2018

My year has been full of changes. I am willing to learn from mistakes; rebuilding can be fun. Today I awake to my granddaughter (12) and my mom. Mom cooks the best; we are having hash omelettes. Yum...

Submitted on May 29, 2018

I felt so alone for so long. I mean it was only for about a year. I met this one lady at my first doctor's appointment and I still felt alone.

Submitted on May 28, 2018

Living for so many years with HIV I often reflect on things in the past and how I dealt with the many challenges that have come my way. Today I'm thinking about how grateful I am to have been able to...

Submitted on May 28, 2018

It is over fourteen years now, that I told my seven year old son that I have HIV and that I will be dying soon. I told him not to worry too much that my Mum and elder brother will take good care of...

Submitted on Apr 1, 2018

They say God said "Do not be afraid or discouraged because of this vast army. For the battle is not yours, but mine!" 2 Chronicles 20:15

Submitted on Feb 23, 2018

What HIV means to ME! (H)avoc (I)nto (V)ictory On November 28, 2016, I received a phone call that would alter my life Forever! I was asked to come in as soon as possible to discuss all lab results. I...

Submitted on Jan 23, 2018

I'm a 17 year advocate. I'm a 47 year old separated mother of 3. I contracted HIV from an ex-boyfriend who was separated from his baby mother; they both were positive and I didn't know about his status.

Submitted on Oct 18, 2017


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