pregnancy, HIV+ mothers, family


I went for my usual clinic at my facility and it is routine to take pregnancy test before collecting medicine. I remember after taking the test, four of us were expectant. During this period, I was...

Submitted on Oct 11, 2017

Life for me and how I saw the world changed three years ago in April 2015. I remember it like it was yesterday. I had just put my pre-k students on the bus to go home, when I came back to my classroom...

Submitted on Sep 21, 2017

The aftermath and education... I made it through. I am Clean! Off these drugs taking my serenity from me. I notice as days turn to weeks just what my part in stigma is. I am disappointed I have...

Submitted on Aug 11, 2017

I was invited by one of the Private Secondary Schools in Abuja to address mothers on issues concerning a girl child. For me I choose to make it an interactive session for those mothers in order for us...

Submitted on Jul 13, 2017

Imnobody Who are you? Are you nobody too? I should introduce myself. I'm Imnobody. I'm not a famous person, I'm not rich, I don't have lots of influence. So Imnobody. Just like everyone else. When I...

Submitted on Jun 6, 2017

I'm a 54 year old single Mom and Grandmother. I am newly diagnosed April of 2016. I am a psychology student. I run a charity that helps runaways and young people - women aging out of foster care. I am...

Submitted on May 22, 2017

As a young girl growing up, my life began with the "normalcy" of being sexually molested by my step-dad, waking to the sounds of seeing him beat my mom

Submitted on Apr 26, 2017

I am a wife and mother of six children, one who was born with HIV over 27 years ago, and have been living with HIV myself for over 30 years.

Submitted on Apr 24, 2017

This is a grim reality for Black Trans women; that we may not live to see the end of the day. We receive attention (good and bad), but when it is bad, it can be deadly.

Submitted on Mar 15, 2017

The Office of Women's Health picked me for one of the ambassadors for National Women and Girls HIV/AIDS Awareness Day. That is on March 10 every year so it's tomorrow. There are lots of ambassadors, a group of us.

Submitted on Mar 9, 2017


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