Masonia Traylor lives in Atlanta, Georgia. As an adolescent Masonia was vigilant about HIV testing and was familiar with how it was transmitted. During a routine annual medical visit, she insisted on getting an HIV test, and was told by the provider that she "wasn’t at risk". Ms. Traylor found out from that test in October 2010 that she was HIV positive and two weeks later found out she was pregnant. Ms. Traylor was then forced to deal with regular pregnancy challenges, complicated by side effects and the stress of dealing with the diagnosis.

Today she has an HIV competent son and a healthy HIV negative baby girl. As a dedicated HIV Activist & Youth and Young Adult Advocate, she gives of her time using social media and community outreach to create awareness surrounding HIV/AIDS. She’s been featured in TIME Magazine,, Essence Magazine, and campaigns with CDC and Kaiser Family Foundation. She has volunteered with nonprofit organizations such as ANIZ, Inc., AID Atlanta, the RCP Movement, Red Pump Project, CityWide Project, Sister Love, Inc., Ryan White Planning Council, the Atlanta Area Outreach Initiative, and the Positive Peers of Georgia. She currently dedicates her time and efforts on The Well Project and building her very own organization Lady BurgAndy.

Why Masonia wants to be part of A Girl Like Me: I have been considering being part of A Girl Like Me for about 4 years. I understand my why now. I know that by sharing my moments of depression and resilience surrounding my HIV diagnosis will not only be therapeutic for myself but also healing for others all around the world.