motivation, faith, forgiveness


Y'all I'm out here living 2020 in 2023... While y'all was stuck at home, looking cute up top and only wearing ya underwears or jammies under the table I was out EVERYDAY going to work cause Covid what...

Submitted on Jul 18, 2023

So, I don't know if you know That I've been at this social media, advocacy thing for a little minute now. Probably bout, what, like 4 or 5 years or something like that? However long ago it was, I...

Submitted on Jul 13, 2023

Hola. Mi nombre es Alessandra Blásquez. Fui diagnosticada en abril del 2004. A mí no me afectó mucho saber que era positiva porque ya sabía que existía medicamento...

Submitted on Jul 11, 2023

Hello. My name is Alessandra Blásquez. I was diagnosed in April of 2004. I wasn't that worried when I learned I was HIV positive because I knew I could be treated.

Submitted on Jul 11, 2023

It took me a while to realise that the judgment I felt came from within. I understand that I can only take responsibility for how I feel and my emotions.

Submitted on Jul 7, 2023

I am a 30 year long term survivor of HIV and a pontine stroke - living with AIDS and HAND. A Registered Nurse, Consultant, Author, Wife, Mother, Grandmother, Daughter, Sister, Aunt, Professional...

Submitted on Jul 6, 2023

Todo comenzó hace unos meses cuando Samantha, miembro del CAC, me envió un mensaje que decía, "Marisa, deberíamos estar en este evento". Me compartió el sitio web; lo leí un poco y compartí la información para ver cómo podíamos asegurar que asistiríamos.

Submitted on Jun 30, 2023

It all started a few months ago when CAB (community advisory board) member Samantha Rose Montemayor sent me a message and said, "Marissa, we should be at this event."

Submitted on Jun 30, 2023

In this chat I talk to Yvonne about HIV medication and the meaning of wellness. When I first got diagnosed, I had to navigate my way around what wellness actually meant. Once I established a routine...

Submitted on Jun 20, 2023

After being diagnosed at 19 years old, I didn't know or understand what HIV was. I just knew it was something I would have to deal with for the rest of my life. What does that mean? What does HIV look like? Am I a label now? These were all the thoughts that ran through my mind.

Submitted on Jun 12, 2023


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