dating, relationships


When I was born April of 1985, there was no test, no way of treating it and very little information about what it was. All they knew was that HIV was a murderer.

Submitted on Dec 6, 2019

Fighting the darkness within is a daily challenge, but to stop fighting is death.

Submitted on Dec 5, 2019

I was 26 years old. My children were 1 and 6 years old. I had recently ended a mentally and physically abusive relationship.

Submitted on Nov 18, 2019

I was 11 years old when my mother and sister finally told me my mom had AIDS, my father had AIDS and I was born HIV+.

Submitted on Nov 5, 2019

Recently one of my blogs was shared on Facebook about me going back to online dating after finding out my positive status.

Submitted on Nov 1, 2019

Navigating relationships with HIV can be tricky. How do you meet a person? How do you decide when or if you should disclose your HIV status? The biggest question is: Will I be rejected or not? I have...

Submitted on Oct 17, 2019

I was born into trauma and trauma has followed me throughout my life.

Submitted on Sep 26, 2019

What I'm going to do with this test is turn it into a testimony, my testimony. So yes, I am 24 years old with HIV. Yes, I have to wake up every day and take medicine. But other than that, what has...

Submitted on Sep 13, 2019

I've always been one to believe everything happens for a reason. And I do believe, if not anything, God put HIV in my life because he knows I can reach others.

Submitted on Sep 4, 2019

A quick recap to catch those of you up who do not know my story. I diagnosed positive for HIV in 1996. I was 21 and began dating the man who became my husband when I was 19. That is not why I was on...

Submitted on Sep 4, 2019


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