dating, relationships


For most of my adult life I identified as a heterosexual woman. See, my family, community, and society told me I was supposed to like boys/men. After all, I was a girl, right? I was raised with the...

Submitted on Sep 17, 2018

People were surprised to see me there! More than a conference, it is a family reunion and place to network and learn, but most importantly uplift each other. I have been dealing with a lot that I will...

Submitted on Sep 15, 2018

I'm still a very young advocate, having just gotten into HIV advocacy a year and a half ago, but I'm no newbie to depression. As a transgender individual I've lived with deep and debilitating clinical...

Submitted on Jul 8, 2018

Thirty years ago today I was handed a death sentence. At least that is what an HIV diagnosis meant in 1988. In fact, it meant so much more than just death. It meant shame. It meant stigma. It meant judgement and isolation.

Submitted on Jun 28, 2018

I first heard the Undetectable equals Untransmittable message in 2016 and it changed everything about how I felt about myself. I was diagnosed in June of 2000 so that’s 16 years of living in the dark...

Submitted on Jun 4, 2018

Hello, it's been a minute since I wrote a blog. I am reminded of Long Term Survivors Day as it approaches. I was diagnosed in 1997. I suspected until yesterday I was given this condition through a sex...

Submitted on May 15, 2018

Hello, my name is LaDawn Tate. I am 36 years old and I would like to share my story about me being positive.

Submitted on Apr 25, 2018

Once again I have realized that I have not truly faced all of my fears from the past!! HIV WILL NO LONGER RENDER ME UNLOVEABLE, UNDESIRABLE, UNCLEAN OR UNTOUCHABLE!!! Today I vow and stand up to the...

Submitted on Mar 27, 2018

So far I am a one year survivor of HIV. A twenty five year old single mother of four that is very outspoken and driven. I contracted the virus by my children’s father, who didn't know his status until...

Submitted on Jan 10, 2018

When I found out I tested positive for HIV I was first unprepared to process what was going on in my body. Knowing since 93 it could lie dormant in my body and having lost my first sexual partner to...

Submitted on Dec 1, 2017


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