My name is Courtney. I am 36 years old and from New Jersey. I am a single mom to a son who is 18 years old. I am paralegal for a family lawyer. I was diagnosed in April of 2011 and since that day my life has forever been changed. I been scared to speak about my status because everyone judges you. Some of the first people I told made comments like "You did it to yourself." From that point on I've been pushing it down and living my life not talking about it. I go to all appointments by myself. I hide the medicine bottles. In the end I fell into a major depression. I am in therapy and trying to find where I belong. Then I found The Well Project. I can finally not be ashamed and maybe turn something horrible into something good.
Why Courtney wants to be part of A Girl Like Me: I want to help stop the stigma of HIV. I want to be a change for NJ and I don't want people to be scared to talk or reach out worrying about what others say or think. I know until I found The Well Project, I felt alone. Now I want to put my all into changing the way people see HIV. It's not a death sentence!
I'm sorry that was your experience so early on! Those are things people say out of ignorance and possibly fear. I'm glad youre here and have decided to step onto the path of healing. Having a tribe of people around you who are like minded and motivated can be a tremendous boost! Welcome and feel free to reach out for an ear ot virtual hug! Be well! You matter!
Welcome Courtney!
welcome to the family.