I Never Thought I Would Make It Past 50 Years Old

Submitted on Oct 14, 2024 by  MariaHIVMejia
Maria Mejia in a field of sunflowers.


Little did I know that I would make it past the age of 50. That was unheard of back in the times of my diagnosis in 1991, and I was given a max to live till the age of 28. Although I contracted HIV in 1988, as many know, at the age of 15 going on 16, I didn't know how HIV could happen to me. As many know, this was known as a gay white man's condition in San Francisco from what I saw on TV as a teen. I found out in 1991, one week after my 18th birthday, and it was a death sentence. But I'm still here standing and at peace. 🙏

Honestly, I did not want to live past 50 years old! I always thought I would be like Elvis Presley and Michael Jackson that passed at the age of 50. I didn't think I would be that lucky!!! I just couldn't see beyond 50. 🦋 Well I am now 51 and little did I know that after 50 is when I would feel like a Complete Woman. ❤️🙏🦋 I didn't know it would feel this good and to be honest, I am loving it! I know what I want, I am comfortable in my skin, I know that I am of the light, but I dance with darkness sometimes - and we all have that Yin and Yang.🫶

I no longer think I'll give myself 10 more years or think and stay mute when they ask me Maria: where do you see yourself 5 or 10 years from now? Honestly, my answer would always be I can't think that far ahead because I thought that I would just not make it, especially seeing so many around me dying! I managed to survive and to love myself and embrace this age of 51, which I do not hide. I don't care how many people tell me that I don't look my age!! Yes, I take extreme care of myself and I have good genetics and I'm extremely proud and do not hide my age. 🦋 You see, I am a living miracle so it's an honor to let people know how long I have been on this path of roses full of thorns.🙏

I am optimistic and positive that we will see a cure soon!! Remember, undetectable equals untransmittable - #uequalsu - which means if a person is living with HIV and on effective treatment, we cannot pass HIV sexually to anyone, zero chance! I'll be here until my life mission is complete. 🫶

love and light ~Maria Mejia ~

Submitted by Red40something

You're a warrior and a queen! Here is to many more years friend! I'll be 52 this month, and aging can be a beautiful thing when you do it from a place a grace and gratefulness. 

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