HIV job


My experience at AIDS 2012 allowed me to feel free and to feel accepted. For the first time, I could share my status openly. I was not in fear of rejection or judgment of any kind. There were over 20...

Submitted on: Sep 4, 2012

There is a Facebook friend of mine who is a tattoo artist and hugely popular because of his high-profile clients. Out of the blue, I wanted to tattoo Lord Krishna on my arm and the emblem at the back...

Submitted on: Apr 5, 2012

Again, it has been a long time since I have written. I returned to work, I absolutely love my job, and I do not want to give it up. Unfortunately our, so-called, system of health care, is so complex I...

Submitted on: Mar 1, 2011

I have not written in quite some time. I seem to get caught up in my life. I think about writing but it just does not seem to happen. I even wrote it in my calendar as a dead-line “Write blog” and...

Submitted on: Oct 27, 2010

The Well Project is currently seeking and accepting applications for a dynamic, experienced Executive Director to lead our organization. A job description and requirements are available on our website...

Submitted on: Aug 16, 2010

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