HIV job


It is September 25th, 2023. This day marks my 11th year of knowing that I'm living with HIV.

Submitted on: Sep 25, 2023

HIV can teach us many things. Once you find out you have HIV, it will be a lifelong journey of medication. Along with medication, there are other ways we can live well with HIV. I talk to Bridgette...

Submitted on: Jul 20, 2023
Dawn Averitt and Richard Averitt

I still meet people today who say, You have no idea how many people I've helped with your information. What's so beautiful to me about that is it's our information, our voices, our experiences, our questions. That is the magic of The Well Project from my perspective: We come to the well.

Submitted on: Jun 28, 2023
Marissa Gonzalez, Jenna Conley, and Bridgette Picou.

"I recently had someone ask me…if I could reset and not be public with my HIV status, would I go public again? If I did not have the support of The Well Project behind me, I would not. But I do have that support – not just the women of the CAB or the staff, but...the voices of the other bloggers; clinicians and providers that have lent their voices to Leadership Exchanges."

Submitted on: May 23, 2023

Nina Martinez, running-to-40, has been living with HIV since she was six weeks old. After pursuing graduate studies in epidemiology at Emory University, she served as a public health analyst at the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.

Submitted on: Feb 17, 2023

The Association of Nurses in AIDS Care (ANAC) conference was held in Tampa, FL in November of this year. The theme for 2022 was EQUITY, COMPASSION & SCIENCE - KEYS TO ENDING THE EPIDEMIC. Tampa was a controversial place to hold this meeting because of the political climate.

Submitted on: Jan 5, 2023

Never did I ever imagine that *I* would be standing in ANYbody's conference presenting ANYthing to some nurses. And here we are. This year's Association of Nurses in AIDS Care (ANAC) Conference was held in Tampa, Florida, November 17-19th and what a wonderful experience this was!

Submitted on: Jan 5, 2023

I don't consider myself old at age 62 and I am aware that my decades are lessening. With family health crises and deaths in my circle of friends this season, the epiphany that life could change in an instant triggered an aspiration to live closer and be a part of my son's adult life.

Submitted on: Dec 16, 2022

Five months back, I had taken an IMPULSE decision of relocating from my comfort zone of Nagpur to the hustle and bustle of the metropolis of BANGALORE. After all, I am a metropolis girl and Nagpur was...

Submitted on: Oct 17, 2022

Tip: Can't nobody take your voice. It's yours. I mean, people always have the choice of ignoring you. But that doesn't mean shut up.

Submitted on: Jun 23, 2022

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