HIV job


Jewel A. Walker-Terrell is a 40 year old Jackson, MS native living with HIV. Jewel is a state retiree from the MS Department of Employment Security. A 1990 graduate of Provine High School, she...

Submitted on: Apr 8, 2015

It was a sense of great pride and honor when I was nominated and selected for the prestigious KarmaVeer Chakra and KarmaVeer Global Fellowship Award instituted by iCongo in association with the United...

Submitted on: Apr 8, 2015

No woman should lose her life on account of giving birth to a child. This I have been hearing lately. A colleague lost a sister to childbirth. I lost one of my community volunteers to the same issues...

Submitted on: Apr 2, 2015

Maybe for a person like me I was too afraid to take a giant step. Today my whole being is suffering for this lack of qualification or degree. Lots of people believe you should not be given a job if...

Submitted on: Mar 27, 2015

Yes! Sad but true, this is my current situation and it stopped me dead in my tracks. Basically I overwork myself and stress about things I shouldn't be stressing about. I try to overcompensate from...

Submitted on: Mar 24, 2015

"What kind of a mother are you," screamed a lady, "who can't even take care of a baby...sleeping all the time...kaamchor (lazy asshole)...keeping a babysitter, cook and can't even handle...

Submitted on: Jul 25, 2014

"I've learned that courage is not the absence of fear, but the triumph over it. The brave person is not he who does not feel afraid, but he who conquers that fear."- Madiba When I moved to Chicago a...

Submitted on: Mar 9, 2014

I do have to say how dismayed I am to see how bad the stigma in healthcare is...I have been at my current job for a very short time. Most of the employees are fine if you are HIV+ and need help...

Submitted on: Jan 13, 2014

There are so many things I am grateful for I just want to share with you all. I am grateful for my husband, he loves and supports me unconditionally. I am grateful for my children, they have truly...

Submitted on: Jul 1, 2013

I am the biggest advocator of following your dreams. Try to tell that to someone who was just diagnosed with a life-altering illness. I remember being 21 years old thinking my life was over. I decided...

Submitted on: May 17, 2013

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