HIV empowerment


UPDATE OF MEDS: As some know, I “once again” asked my doctor to change my medication regimen! I took Trizivir for 10 years. It was a good medicine but I noticed that my red blood cells were enlarged...

Submitted on: May 30, 2014

I have been giving a lot of thought to my reluctance to disclose my HIV positive status to anyone. I have been positive since 1996 and I would guess about ten people know my status. Initially I was...

Submitted on: May 29, 2014

I wanted to share with the whole world my special moment and also announce that Lisa and I are married! :) We got married in New York. I was also honored by the Latino Commission on AIDS on May 13th...

Submitted on: May 20, 2014

I'm running through the streets of Soho in stilettos to catch the late train home, feeling like Cinderella as she left the ball just before the clock struck and she returned to rags. I had been to the...

Submitted on: May 12, 2014

In the fall of 2001 things really came apart. It was then that I was hospitalized with Pneumocystis Pneumonia and received an AIDS diagnosis. I had 48 t-cells and a host of health problems. When my...

Submitted on: May 6, 2014

Martha E. Lang is an educator, researcher, activist and long term survivor of HIV/AIDS. She holds a Ph.D. in Medical Sociology. She has taught and spoken widely on issues related to HIV/AIDS including...

Submitted on: May 2, 2014

Yesterday I attended a Celebration of Life for a wonderful family friend named Lisa. She was a beautiful, intelligent, funny and loving individual…the kind of person who could light up the room with...

Submitted on: May 1, 2014

March has marched on and I feel I have let it drift over me. It began well and I visited my specialist hospital, following a referral from their HIV midwife who I consulted in November. I’m not...

Submitted on: Apr 15, 2014

This April will be my 25th year anniversary living with HIV. The last 2 years of living with HIV have been the hardest for me and many do not know this. I don’t like to show or tell people when I feel...

Submitted on: Mar 20, 2014

Hi, I am 44 years old living in Colorado, and was diagnosed with HIV at the age of 19 way back in 1989. I grew up on the east coast and life was not easy or simple for me as a child. I am a survivor...

Submitted on: Mar 17, 2014

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