HIV empowerment


I think the last couple of blogs I wrote I started with, "it has been a while since I have written", and I could start this blog the same way. I have been overloaded, overwhelmed, and overstressed. I...

Submitted on: Nov 15, 2013

I did it! I had weight loss surgery just about one week ago. I had the vertical gastric sleeve, which is where they go in and change the size of your stomach from approximately the size of a football...

Submitted on: Nov 13, 2013

I've been away for awhile. Quite honestly, I've been a bit self-absorbed. I've been concentrating on myself...mentally, physically and spiritually. I am preparing for weight loss surgery...I am...

Submitted on: Oct 28, 2013

“Jyoti, I want to marry you, and this time I am sure of it.” I looked at him, not believing a word. Marry me? An HIV-positive woman? When he couldn’t commit to me for the whole two and half years we...

Submitted on: Oct 25, 2013

After all the trials and storms, always believe that a rainbow will come. Never feel bad for the things you go through, these are the times and things that makes us strong and evolve spiritually. It...

Submitted on: Oct 22, 2013

In this part of the world were I come from (Nigeria), our people do not see female circumcision as a big issue that needs to be talked about or to educate people about. It happened that I was called...

Submitted on: Oct 7, 2013

Editor's Note: In 2012, The Well Project was thrilled to help sponsor Caitlin Margaret Kelly's international photography project (then titled, "I am...Women Living with HIV") to be on display at the...

Submitted on: Oct 3, 2013

I know most people know I have HIV...but at the same time they forget I have it, because I do not look sick. HIV has no face...think before you write me please...I have feelings! I have people telling...

Submitted on: Sep 30, 2013

My apologies for taking so long to write but I set myself a project back in August and this was to go one step further with my ‘GrenAIDS’ I created last year. Those were ready-made Toy Grenades which...

Submitted on: Sep 20, 2013

I try to write very positive things on my blog. I figure that I can reach out to others to let them know that we can live our dreams. I really never talk about my issues and concerns. I do have...

Submitted on: Sep 8, 2013

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