HIV empowerment


I told my son that I am HIV positive. It didn't go quite as I imagined. I had pictured him older and under different circumstances. But the opportunity presented itself and I followed through.

Submitted on: Sep 3, 2014

I have fought tooth and nail with God over what HE wants from me. I keep saying I'm not worthy or deserving of the positions I'm placed in but it is truly HIS purpose and not mine. The truth is I'm...

Submitted on: Aug 26, 2014

This is the final week of the #OperationGirl Charity Challenge and we're trying to raise as much money as possible for our organization to help us continue to provide access to life-saving and life...

Submitted on: Aug 13, 2014

"What kind of a mother are you," screamed a lady, "who can't even take care of a baby...sleeping all the time...kaamchor (lazy asshole)...keeping a babysitter, cook and can't even handle...

Submitted on: Jul 25, 2014

It's been a while. Lots has happened! And I'm just about to embark on a 3 week working holiday road trip and then a stay at KPS Trebullom so thought it's time to catch up and share. It's all good in...

Submitted on: Jul 22, 2014

As I was sitting by the pool watching my son and nephew splash and play I saw my phone light up, alerting me to a notice on Facebook. I opened the notice and read a message that had been posted on my...

Submitted on: Jul 21, 2014

For those of you that follow my blog, you know I had weight loss surgery in November 2013. Since that time, I've lost 102 pounds! My initial goal was to lose 100 pounds. Since reaching that, I've made...

Submitted on: Jun 23, 2014

Many wonderful things are happening. My book is out From a Warrior's Passion and Pain, my marriage to Lisa, my change of medications, and being honored by Latino Commission on AIDS with The Dennis de...

Submitted on: Jun 16, 2014

It has always been a long-term goal of The Well Project to have all of our online resources in one place, so as to be able to combine information with real world experiences and connections. The...

Submitted on: Jun 15, 2014

It’s been a long time since you have heard from this “Girl Like Me,” but I’m still here, still being an avid activist, refusing to let adversity keep me down. And dear friends, if there is ONE thing I...

Submitted on: Jun 4, 2014

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