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Why am I so open about having HIV? / Porque soy tan abierta de tener el virus del VIH?

Submitted on Aug 13, 2013 by  MariaHIVMejia


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Many write me from all over the world with the same question...How can I be so open about having HIV? How did I get the courage to be so open?? How can they get to where I am?? My response is always the same: I have NO SHAME! There is nothing wrong with having HIV! This is a condition like any other, we have much STIGMA around this condition because of sex! But guess what, WE ARE ALL SEXUAL BEINGS...and if you had sex without a condom once...married or or straight...RELIGION OR NO RELIGION...No matter what your race or social economic status is...ANYONE IS AT RISK OF HAVING HIV!!!

It only takes one time of unprotected sex to get this condition. PLEASE get educated...many people are in the dark because of the ignorance and lack of education on this disease! Get tested! Get educated! Help us in the fight against HIV/AIDS with LOVE! I also tell them the same thing over and over...stop viewing yourself as victims. We are survivors  and if someone has an issue with your status you can do 2 things...educate them, or let them continue in their ignorance! Never let anyone define who you are a human being that is living with a condition and that is it!! Have self love and know that you're not less than because of HIV! If anything, you're a strong person fighting something that is trying to kill you everyday. My experience is always the same, people everywhere are getting educated and being open to learn  because people will treat you like you teach them to treat you..and like you treat yourself


Maria T Mejia


Muchos me escriben de todo el mundo con la misma pregunta ... ¿Cómo puedo ser tan abierta acerca de tener VIH? ¿Cómo puedo tener el valor de ser tan abierta? ¿Cómo pueden llegar a donde estoy yo? Mi respuesta es siempre la misma! Yo no tengo vergüenza! No es nada malo tener VIH! Esta es una enfermedad como cualquier otra ... tenemos mucho estigma que rodea esta condición por razón de sexo! pero ¿saben qué ... TODOS SOMOS SERES SEXUALES ... y si han tenido relaciones sexuales sin condón casados o no! Homosexuales o Heterosexuales .. RELIGION O NO RELIGION .. No importa qué raza o condición económica o social estan en riesgo de tener VIH! sólo se necesita una vez de tener sexo sin protección para obtener esta condición. Por favor, aprenda sobre esta enfermedad ... mucha gente está en la oscuridad por a la ignorancia y la falta de educación sobre esta enfermedad! Hazte la prueba! educate... ayudanos en la lucha contra el VIH/SIDA con el AMOR! También les digo la misma cosa una y otra vez ... dejar de verse a sí mismo como víctima ... nosotros somos sobrevivientes  y si alguien tiene un problema con su condicion pueda hacer 2 cosas. Educarlos o dejar que sigan en su ignorancia! Nunca dejes que nadie defina quién eres...usted es un ser humano que vive con una condicióneso es todo! Tengan amor propio y sepan que no son inferiores por tener el VIH! Antes somos personas fuertes que luchamos con algo que está tratando de matarnos a diario. Mi experiencia es siempre la misma  todo el mundo están recibiendo educación y estan abiertos a aprender  porque la gente te van a tratar como tu le ensenes a que te trateny como tu mismo te trata.


Maria T Mejia

Submitted by Omar LLerena

Hi Maria it's Bob Hunley. I wrote a historical piece about my historical research on Hiv. Then I added the first 1959 case in the Congo in Africa. As an afterthought. I know you are younger than me but you are wise beyond your years. I finally got a committed girlfriend and it's great. I wrote about the bicentennial boat gay orgy in 76 when the infection took hold and the incubation period where people started showing signs from 78 to 82. And alot of the younger kids think this is some kind of game. They should see the movie " And the band played on " or the documentery " we were here" about frisco and the Castro district . I actually wanted to be in a relationship with someone with HIV. Not to catch it but to show a woman she can be deeply loved. But I realized Love comes from within so I guess I was being co dependent. My heart was in the right place . But if I would of ever met a woman with it I wouldn't walk away , I would just take the general precautions. I'm NOT a bug chase , but I'm just touched by an angel- you. But the woman I'm seeing now is neg and I'm neg. but we are taking it slow at my request. I need remedial relationship instructions being a man. But i gave a little history and pleaded people to listen to you Maria. I hope ur ok you are like the sister I never had. Bob

Submitted by Omar LLerena

Mе hа gustaԁo el blog. Algunos artіculos no me gustan mucho, en cualquіer caso, la

Submitted by Omar LLerena

Mе hа gustaԁo el blog. Algunos artіculos no me gustan mucho, en cualquіer caso, la


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