
Shannon Weber, MSW; Olivia Ford; and Krista Martel stand in front of poster at conference.

During Adherence 2019, our poster was visited by a stream of professionals whose passion for this topic matched our own. We recorded some of their perspectives here.

Poster: Breastfeeding with HIV: Optimizing Informed Choices in the Era of "U=U" at Adherence 2019.

We are excited to report that The Well Project presented the poster Breastfeeding with HIV: Optimizing Informed Choices in the Era of "U=U," at Adherence 2019.

Brightly colored group of people walking with words "Together we will... build fight hope triumph".

We are excited to share with you our 2018 Annual Report, Together We Will…

The Well Project is thrilled to launch a strategic plan to guide the organization over the coming five years.

Red and blue badge that reads Best blogs of 2019, HIV.

A Girl Like Me named one of the best HIV blogs of 2019 by Healthline                                                                                                       

AIDSWatch 2019 banner.

The Well Project supported four women to attend and advocate at AIDSWatch 2019, the largest annual constituent-based national HIV/AIDS advocacy event.

The Well Project was honored to be the subject of a poster presentation at the Third Interdisciplinary Research Symposium at the San Juan Bautista Medical School

The Well Project was honored to present at the HIV Research for Prevention Conference in Madrid, Spain, October 22-25, 2018.

USCA 2018 logo: Brightly colored letters U S C A.

The Well Project had a strong presence at the 2018 United States Conference on AIDS in Orlando, FL, supporting the attendance of a number of our CAB members and bloggers, exhibiting and presenting.

Some buildings near water in Amsterdam.

Read about The Well Project's activities at AIDS 2018, as well as our coverage of some of the conference taking place July 23-27, 2018 in Amsterdam, Netherlands.


Members of The Well Project community at USCHA 2022.

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Hands holding a passport with luggage nearby.
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